33. Australia: Engineering

  • Victoria, Legislative Council. [C Pasley] Report upon the Various Plans for the Improvement of the Port of Melbourne. Government Printer, Melbourne 1855. With separate map.

  • New South Wales. Legislative Assembly. Report from the Select Committee on the Sydney and Suburban Hydraulic Power Company Bill. Sydney 1888.

  • J H Cardew. The Australian Municipal Pocket Book of Engineering. Sydney 1895. Contains a typed presentation slip from the author.

  • (p) John Coode. Reports by Sir John Coode, C.E., on Works of Improvement to the Port of Melbourne. (1879 and 1886). Melbourne 1910.

  • James McNamara [ed]. Memoirs of the Engineering Association of New South Wales. Jubilee volume, vol XXXV, Sydney 1920.

  • The Commonwealth Engineer, XLV (August 1947 - July 1948).

  • A H Garnsey. Report of the City Engineer and City Surveyor on his Visit to Europe and America 1946-47. Sydney 1949.

  • L T Frazer. Municipal Engineering Developments Abroad 1950. Melbourne 1951.

Roads and bridges

  • (f) Victoria. Legislative Assembly. Bridges, Return to an Order &c. Melbourne 1860.

  • (f) New South Wales, Railway Bridges Inquiry Commission. Report of the Royal Commission, &c. Sydney 1886.

  • (p) William Pitt & John H. Grainger. 'Design for Swing Bridge over the Yarra'. Plates from the Building & Engineering Journal, 11 October 1890, and report on the competition, p 359.

  • W C Kernot. On Some Common Errors in Iron Bridge Design. Melbourne 1898. This copy that of J J Gardiner, with errata corrected in ink.

  • W C Kernot. On Some Common Errors in Iron Bridge Design. 2nd. ed., Melbourne 1906. This copy inscribed with the compliments of Wilfred N. Kernot (son of the author).

  • J M Coane, H E Coane & J M Coane junior. Australasian Roads. 1st ed, Melbourne 1908. This copy has newspaper cuttings &c pasted in.

  • J M & H E Coane [revised B M Coutie]. Coane's Australasian Roads. 4th ed, Melbourne 1927.

  • Dorman Long and Company Limited. Sydney Harbour Bridge. Middlesborough 1932 .

  • (p) R W McCall & A S Atkinson. Design and Construction of Grange Road Bridge Melbourne(reprinted from the Commonwealth Engineer,February 1935]. Melbourne & Sydney, no date [1935].

  • [Gladesville Bridge]. Opening of Concrete Road Bridge 1,000 ft. arch span over Parramatta River. No place [Sydney] 1964.

Water Supply & Sewerage, general

  • (p) Ontario Well Boring Co., Limited [leaflet] (Melbourne 1888).

  • Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage Department, Perth, W.A. Commemoration Volume. Perth 1925.

  • J L Bruce & T M Kendall. The Australian Sanitary Inspector's Text Book. Sydney 1901.

  • H G Wills. Australian House Drainage Practice. Sydney 1914.

  • W R Smith. The Bacteriolytic Tank System in South Australia. Adelaide 1927.

  • (p) New South Wales, Director-General of Public Health, Simple Aids to Sanitation. New ed, Minister of Public Health, Sydney 1939.

  • H Y Randerson. Australian Sanitary Engineering Practice. Sydney 1935. Also 6th ed, Sydney 1954.

  • 'Mrs E F Bosworick' [Edeen Finlay]. The Amateur. Melbourne 1944. The Australian response to Chic Sale, The Specialist.

Water Supply & Sewerage, Melbourne

  • (p) Victoria. Legislative Assembly. Report from the Select Committee on the Yan Yean Purification. Melbourne 1860.

  • James Mansergh. Report on the Sewerage and Sewage Disposal Systems of the Proposed Melbourne Metropolitan District. Melbourne 1890.

  • George A Gibbs. Water Supply Systems of the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Melbourne 1915.

  • George A Gibbs. Water Supply and Sewerage Systems of the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Melbourne 1925.

  • (p) E F Borrie. Report by the Engineer of Sewerage ... on his Visit of Investigation to Great Britain, the Continent of Europe, and America, in 1937. Melbourne 1938.

  • J C Jessop. A Historical Survey of Melbourne's Water Supply. Melbourne 1942. Three copies.

  • Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. 75th Anniversary Report 1965-'66 and Review of the Board's Activities 1891-1966. Melbourne 1966.

Water Supply & Sewerage, Sydney

  • Pneumatic Drainage: being Some Account of the Pleumatic System of Drainage Invented by Captain Liernur. Sydney 1884.

  • Metropolitan Board of Water Supply and Sewerage, Official Handbook. Sydney 1913.

  • F J J Henry. The Water Supply and Sewerage of Sydney. Sydney 1939. This copy that of the historian G Mackaness, still in the stamped carton in which it was posted to him from the Metropolitan Sewerage and Drainage Board, Sydney.

  • W V Aird. The Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage of Sydney. Sydney 1961.

Gas & Electricity

  • (p) Armidale Gas Company. Memorandum and Articles of Association. Armidale Gas Company, West Maitland [NSW] 1888

  • (p) Victoria. Gas Inquiry Board. Report of the Board Appointed to Inquire into the Metropolitan Gas Supply. Melbourne 1912.

  • (p) W Thompson. Electric Light! Its Cost, Disadvantages and Danger. Geelong 1894.

  • The Metropolitan Gas Company ... Jubilee. Melbourne 1928.

  • S E Barratt. Yallourn and the Associated State Eletricity Schemes of Victoria. Australian Electrical Times, Melbourne 1925.

  • Guy Allbut. A Brief History of Public Electricity Supply in Australia. Melbourne 1958.


  • F B Shenstone. Electric Welding(paper read before the Sydney Division of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 14 October 1920). Sydney 1920.

  • The "Quasi-Arc" Process of Electric Welding. Melbourne, no date [c 1920s].

  • (p) R A Holland & E J Raymond. The Metallurgical Aspects of Welding[reprint from the Mechanical and Welding Engineer, 20 August 1932]. Melbourne, no date [c 1932].

  • The Universal "Comox" Welding and Metal Cutting Blowpipes. Balmain [New South Wales], no date [c 1930s].

  • (p) Eric Lang. Engineering Aspects of Welding(reprint from Mechanical and Welding Engineer,20 September 1932). Melbourne, no date [c 1932].

  • (p) D V Isaacs. Principles of Design of Welded Structures(reprint from Commonwealth Engineer,20 September 1922). Melbourne, no date [after 1933].

  • (p) W D Chapman. Notes on the Electric Arc Welding of Structures. Melbourne 1935.

  • (p) W D Chapman. The Application of Welding to Buildings. Melbourne, no date [c 1936].

  • Clayton-Joel & Co. Arc Welding Plants. Melbourne, no date.

See also:

(sec 16) The Quasi-Arc System (sec 17) Warren, Engineering Construction (sec 43) Morton, Report of City Engineer (sec 49) Hall, Scientific and Technical Literature in the Libraries of Melbourne (sec 51) Gresswell, Sanitary Condition of Melbourne

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