17. Structural Design

Peter Barlow. The Strength and Stress of Timber, &c. London 1826. Barlow is an even more important empiricist than Tredgold (qv, previous category), especially in the development of the use of the moment of inertia and the theory of deflection.

  • Peter Barlow. A Treatise on the Strength of Timber, Cast and Malleable Iron, &c. New edition, London 1851.

  • Thomas Tate.  On the Strength of Materials, &c. Longmans, London 1850.

  • Atlas of the Engravings to Illustrate and Practically Explain the Construction of Roofs of Iron, &c.  John Weale, London 1859.

  • B B Stoney. The Theory of Strains in Girders and Similar Structures. New ed, New York 1873. .

  • Francis Campin. Materials and Construction. London 1881.

  • E W Tarn. The Science of Building. 2nd ed, London 1882; also 3rd ed, London 1890. [Link: 2nd ed]

  • W H Warren. Engineering Construction in Iron, Steel and Timber.  London 1894.

  • W H Warren. Engineering Construction, Part I. In Steel and Timber. 3rd ed, London 1921.

  • J K Freitag. Architectural Engineering. 2nd ed, New York 1909 (1885).

  • J B Johnson, C W Bryan & F E Turneaure.  Modern Framed Structures. Wiley, New York 1893.

  • Guy Le Bris.  Les Constructions Métalliques. Librairies Imprimeries Réunis, Paris [1894].

  • M S Ketchum.  Structural Engineers’ Handbook. 3rd ed, McGraw Hill, New York 1924 [1914].

  • E S Andrews. Theory and Design of Structures. London 1921. [Link]

  • C R Ford. Earthquakes and Building Construction. Auckland 1926.

  • International Correspondence Schools. Walls, and Fireproofing. Scranton [Pennsylvania], no date [c 1926]. Comprises two monographs: Walls Subjected to Lateral Thrust [1910] and Fireproofing [1926]

  • Bracing, Fireproofing, Specifications. Scranton [Pennsylvania] 1936. These are really three separate monographs, copyrighted in 1919, 1926 and 1936 respectively, the second being a revision of Cosgrove, The Fireproofing of Buildings, 1919, which is listed above, sv Bricks & Tiles, as being bound with White, Hollow Tile Construction.


  • (ef) Emile Martin. Pont du Cubzac: Dessins et Description des Piles en Fonte de Fer. Paris 1841. [Link]

  • (p) Description of Suspension Bridges on Dredge’s Patent Taper Principle … Manufactured by Messrs Charles D. Young and Company. [Young], Edinburgh 1851.

  • (f) William Humber. A Practical Treatise on Cast and Wrought Iron Bridges and Girders, &c. London 1859.

  • [f] W D Haskoll.  Examples of Bridges and Viaducts: from the Contract-Working Drawings or Admeasurements of Select Works. 2nd ed, Lockwood & Co, London, 1867.

  • (f) W H Maw & James Dredge. Modern Examples of Road and Railway Bridges, &c. Engineering, London 1872

  • Squire Whipple.  An Elementary and Practical Treatise on Bridge Building &c. 2nd ed, Van Nostrand, New York 1873 [1854].

  • R H Bow. A Treatise on Bracing with its Application to Bridges and other Structures of Wood or Iron. New York 1874.

  • (ef) W Westhofen.  The Forth Bridge [reprinted from Engineering, 28 Februry 1890]. Enginering. London [1890].

  • A Gisclard.  Sur un Nouveau Type de Ferme Parabolique Applicable à la Construction de Ponts Métalliques a Voie et Dessus. Berger-Levrault, Paris 1891. [Link]

  • J J E Ribera. Puentes de Hierro Economicos Muelles y Faros. Bailly-Bailliere é Hijos, Madrid 1895.

See also:

(sec 5) Treatise on Architecture 1. [incl] Architectural Engineering I C S Reference Library: 43. Structural Mechanics I C S Reference Library: 70. Architectural Engineering (sec 16) Tredgold, Strength of Cast Iron Fairbairn, Strength of Wrought Iron Plates Fairbairn, Cast and Wrought Iron Campin, Bridges, Girders, Roofs, &c Waldram, Structural Design in Steel Frame Buildings (sec 31) Ward, Timber of New South Wales Kernot, Common Errors in Bridge Design (sec 38) Hook, A Little about Structural Mechanics

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