51. Melbourne: Theatre Programs &C

Ordered by date. All stored in a pamphlet box excepot the Regent opening program, 1929.


  • Colleen Bawn. Cathedral Hall, Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, 5 October 1904.


  • Melba Patriotic Concert. Auditorium, 10 September 1914.


  • Programme. Maud Allen and her Art. [Melbourne, c 1915].


  • Souvenir of the Grand Review by the Governor General of Victorian Returned Naval Men and Members of the A.I.F. Melbourne Cricket Ground, 3 May 1919.


  • Mademoiselle Antonia Dolores. Song recital. Town Hall, 5 June 1920.

  • Mosiewitsch [Benno Mosiewitsch]. 7th & 8th piano recitals. Town Hall, Melbourne, Saturday 26 June & Monday 28 June [?1920].


  • Dame Nellie Melba D.B.E. Farewell Concert. Town Hall, 1 August 1922.


  • J & N Tait. Galli-Curci Concerts, Souvenir Book of Words. Auditorium, 23 April 1925.

  • J & N Tait. Galli-Curci Concerts, Souvenir Book of Words. Auditorium, 5 May 1925.


  • J C Williamson Ltd. Anna Pavlova [His Majesty's Magazine Programme]. 'Polish Wedding'. His Majesty's Theatre, commencing 13 March 1926.

  • J & N Tait. Chaliapin Concerts, Souvenir Programme & Book of Words [Feodor Chaliapin], Fifth Concert. Auditorium, 20 July 1926.

  • J & N Tait. Percy Grainger Orchestral and Choral Concert. Auditorium, 30 October 1926.


  • Concert Tours Ltd. Zimbalist Recitals Souvenir Programme [Efrem Zimbalist]. Fifth recital. Auditorium, 2 August 1927.

  • Concert Tours Ltd. Melba-Zmbalist Recitals[Efrem Zimbalist, Dame Nellie Melba]. Special Programme. Auditorium, 2 August 1927.

  • E J Carroll. Friedman Australian and New Zealand Tour, 1927 [M Ignaz Friedman]. Programme with annotations. First pianoforte recital, 6 August.

  • E J Carroll. Friedman Australian and New Zealand Tour, 1927 [M Ignaz Friedman]. Programme with annotations. Second pianoforte recital, 9 August.

  • E J Carroll. Friedman Australian and New Zealand Tour, 1927 [M Ignaz Friedman]. Programme with annotations. Seventh pianoforte recital, 19 August.

  • E J Carroll. Friedman Australian and New Zealand Tour, 1927 [M Ignaz Friedman]. Programme with annotations. Orchestral concert, 23 August.

  • J & N Tait. Joseph Hislop Concerts, Souvenir Programme. Fourth Concert. Auditorium, 1 October 1927.


  • (f) Hoyts Theatres Ltd. The Regent Souvenir Programme. Opening of the Regent Theatre, 15 March 1929.


  • J C Williamson Ltd, Magazine [Magazine Programme]. Colonel W de Basil's 'Monte Carlo Russian Ballet', His Majesty's Theatre [no date]; Gladys Moncrieff in 'A Southern Maid'. King's Theatre, commencing 7 November 1936.


  • J C Williamson Ltd, Magazine [Magazine Programme]. 'New Moon', His Majesty's Theatre, commencing 14 May 1938; Ruth Draper, 'Original Character Sketches'. Comedy Theatre, commencing 17 May 1938.

  • J C Williamson Ltd, Magazine [Magazine Programme]. 'The Covent Garden Russian Ballet', The Ribush Players, 'The Cherry Orchard', Comedy Theatre, commencing 12 November 1938; 'The Women'. King's Theatre, commencing 27 October 1938.

  • J C Williamson Ltd, Magazine [Magazine Programme]. 'The Covent Garden Russian Ballet', The Gregan McMahon Players, 'Two White Arms', Comedy Theatre, commencing 5 November [1938]; 'The Women'. King's Theatre, commencing 27 October 1938.

  • Australian and New Zealand Theatres Ltd. Covent Garden Russian Ballet, 'Les Sylphides'. His Majesty's Theatre, 14, 15 & 16 November [1938].


  • J C Williamson Theatres Ltd. Gala Grand Opera Season Programme. 'Rigoletto'. His Majesty's Theatre, commencing 2 October 1948; 'The Kiwis' New Zealand Revue Company. Comedy Theatre, commencing 31 July 1948.

  • J C Williamson Theatres Ltd. Gala Grand Opera Season Programme. 'Madame Butterfly', His Majesty's Theatre, commencing 16 October 1948. 'The Kiwis' New Zealand Revue Company. Comedy Theatre, commencing 31 July 1948.


  • Australian Broadcasting Commission. Victorian Syphony Orchestra 1950 Celebrity Concert Season. Special orchestral concert, conductor Otto Klemperer, Melbourne Town Hall, 12 September 1950.

  • Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Society. Handel's Messiah. Melbourne Town Hall, 23 December 1950.


  • Government of Victoria. Programme of Welcome to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh. Melbourne Cricket Ground, 25 February 1954.

  • J C Williamson Theatres Ltd. Borovansky Australian Ballet. Her Majesty's Theatre, 19 February - 11 March 1954.


  • J C Williamson Theatres Ltd [Maurice Chevalier]. Comedy Theatre, commencing 24 February 1960.

  • Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Society. The Passion of Our Lord [J S Bach]. Melbourne Town Hall, 9 April 1960.


  • Carroll-Fuller Theatres Company Pty Ltd; The National Theatre Movement of Australia. 'The Bartered Bride'. Princess Theatre [undated].

  • J C Williamson's Theatres Magazine. Synopses of Ballets. 'A Dream: a Fairy'; 'Faust' [undated].

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