31. Australia: Nineteenth Century Architecture And Building


  • (f) Edward Combes, Report on the Lighting, Heating and Ventilation of  School Buildings, &c (Government Printer, Sydney 1880.

  • (p) Australasian Sanitary Conference of Sydney, N.S.W., 1884. Report, Minutes &c. Sydney 1884. A conference convened principally to deal with quarantine, and therefore conveying opinions on the design of quarantine stations. Includes plans of quarantine stations at Sydney, Point Nepean and Torrens Island, and location maps of Quarantine Island, Suva, and Lizard Island, off Queensland.

  • J W Smith. A Handy-Book on the Law Concerning Owner, Builder and Architect. Sydney 1894. Originally written as articles for the Australian Builder and Contractor's News.

Mayes's Price Book

  • C Mayes. The Victorian Contractors' and Builders' Price-Book. C Mayes, Melbourne 1859. The original model seems to have been Laxton's Builder's Price Book,qv. Subsequent editions were Australian rather than Victorian, and the book continued to be published up to the mid-twentieth century. See below for twentieth century editions by C E Mayes and Phillip Mayes. [Link]

  • C B Mayes. The Australian Builders' Price-Book. 2nd ed, Melbourne 1862. [Link]

  • Charles Mayes. The Australian Builders' Price-Book. 3rd ed, Melbourne 1877. [Link]

  • Charles Mayes. The Australian Builders' Price-Book. 4th ed, Melbourne 1883. Two copies. [Link]

  • Charles Mayes. The Australian Builders' Price-Book. 5th ed, Melbourne 1886. [Link]

New South Wales

  • (p) Goodlet & Smith, Sydney [brochure]. Sydney 1890. This is a single sheet folded into four, providing eight faces of about foolscap size. Two sides illustrate in colour the stained glass windows made by the company for Centennial Hall [the Town Hall], Sydney, and other more standard stained glass designs. Others illustrate joinery and pottery.

  • (p) New South Wales. Legislative Assembly. Public Works Department [annual statement of works &c]. Sydney 1892.

  • (p) New South Wales. Legislative Assembly. Government Architect's Department. Sydney 1899.

  • (p) 'Specifications of Work and Materials in the Erection of Two Cottages at Rockdale for Ruff Brothers'. Manuscript, no date [late C19th].

Other Colonies

  • (p) 'New Verandah, Narracoorte. Court House Police Station Post-Office and Telegraph Station.' Architectural drawing in ink and wash on linen, intialled 'C.A.M./12.11.80'.

  • (p) Western Australia. Legislative Council. Proposal to Construct and Work a Line of Railway from Guildford to the Blue Stone Quarries at the foot of the Darling Range. Perth 1878.

See also:

(sec 7) Burn, Carpentry, General Framing and Joinery (a prominent text published in Glasgow, Melbourne and Dunedin) (sec 13) Boyle, The Boyle System of Ventilation (sec 17) Warren, Engineering Construction (sec 44) Knight, The Northern Territory of South Australia (sec 55) Ferguson, Bush Life (for accounts of nineteenth century slab construction).

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