44. Australia: Biography

  • T W H Leavitt [ed]. Australian Representative Men. 2nd ed, Melbourne 1887.

  • Fred Johns. Johns's Notable Australians. 2nd ed, Adelaide 1908.

  • M Jones. The Story of Captain Cook's Three Voyages Round the World. London 1870.

  • W J Barry. Up and Down. London 1879. Inscribed by the author, Capt. W. Barry, to K. Grant, 1886.

  • Alexander Tolmer. Reminiscences of an Adventurous and Chequered Career at Home and in the Antipodes. 2 vols, London 1882.

  • Florence Taylor. A Pot-Pourri of Eastern Asia. Sydney 1934. Travelogue of the pioneer planner and editor Florence Taylor, interspersed with extreme right wing opinions.

  • J M Giles. Some Chapters in the Life of George Augustine Taylor. Supplement to Construction, 11 December 1957. Sydney 1957. This copy from the library of T M Ramsay.

  • Ernest Wunderlich. All My Yesterdays. Sydney 1945.

  • George Taylor. "There!" A Pilgrimage of Pleasure. Sydney 1916. Copy inscribed by Taylor to William Holman, Premier of New South Wales, Christmas 1916.

  • A B Peirce [ed Mrs A T Leatherbee]. Knocking About. New Haven [Connecticut] 1924. Includes a description of building a pole and pug house at Hill End.  


  • T W H Leavitt & W D Lilburn. The Jubilee History of Victoria and Melbourne. 2 vols, Melbourne 1888.

  • Alexander Sutherland and others. Victoria and Its Metropolis Past and Present. 2 vols, Melbourne 1888.

  • James Smith [ed]. The Cyclopaedia of Victoria. 3 vols, Melbourne 1903, 1904 & 1905.

  • Benjamin Gregory. The Thorough Business Man. London 1874.

  • The Book of Matthias in Chapters. South Melbourne 1892. An account of the financial misdeeds and trial of Matthias Larkin and Patrick Cleary, partly in mock-biblical language.

  • (p) Phyllis Lewis. 1918. Melbourne, no date [1919]. A poem dedicated to the author's deceased brother, Owen Gower Lewis of the Australian Flying Corps.

  • James Lewis. 'Life'. Melbourne 1931. A hand illuminated book presented to his daughter Edith on her twenty-first birthday.

  • Macpherson Robertson. MacRobertson Abroad. Melbourne 1927. Presentation copy signed by MacRobertson.

  • George Taylor. Making it Happen. Melbourne 1934. Biography of Sir Macpherson Robertson, the confectionery magnate, by George Taylor of Angus & Robertsons, not George Augustine Taylor as above.

  • Victoria and Riverina. Melbourne 1933.

  • Georgiana McCrae [ed Hugh McCrae], Georgiana's Journal: Melbourne a Hundred Years Ago. Angus & Robertson, Sydney 1934.

  • Clive Turnbull. Bluestone. The Story of James Stephens. Melbourne 1945. Limited edition of 500.

  • F J Hardy. Power Without Glory. Melbourne 1950. This copy that of the Argus journalist Hugh Buggy.

  • J B Were. A Voyage from Plymouth to Melbourne in 1839. Melbourne 1964.

  • R M Jukes et al [eds]. Liber Melburniensis Centenary Edition. Melbourne 1965.

  • A E Badger et al. Liber Melburniensis 1915-1995. Melbourne 1995.

  • Frances Perry [ed A de Q Robin]. Australian Sketches. Melbourne 1984. No 221 in an edition of 225, signed by the author.

  • Dianne Reilly & Victoria Hammond. Charles Joseph La Trobe: Landscapes and Sketches. Melbourne 1999.

See also:

(sec 49) Meudell, Pleasant Career of a Spendthrift.

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