13. Warming, Ventilation & Cooling

  • [Nicolas Gauger] La Mecanique du Feu, ou l’Art de Augmenter les effets, & d’en diminuer la dépense (Jaques Estienne, Paris 1713).

  • (p) J Durno.  A Description of a New-Invented Stove-Grate, &c. Author, London 1753. [Link]

  • [Pierre Hébrard].  Caminologie, ou Traité des Cheminées. F Desventes, Dijon 1756.

  • (p) Alexander Brodie . New Patent Fire Stove [broadside], Brodie, London, no date [c 1767].

  • Bartolommeo Toffoli.  Saggio di una nuova forma di Cammini che non  fumano. Stamperia del Seminario, Padova, 1790 [one of only two known copies, the other at Harvard].

  • (p) Benjamin Rumford.  An Essay on Chimney Fire-Places &c. R E Mercier & Co, Dublin 1796

  • J W Hiort.  A Practical Treatise on the Construction of Chimneys .... with an accurate description of the newly-invented tunnel &c. Author, London 1826.

  • Thomas Tredgold. Principles of Warming and Ventilating Public Buildings, Dwelling-Houses, &c, &c. 2nd ed, London 1824. Includes 'hot walls', an early form of cavity wall, heated by steam pipes in the cavity.

  • R S Mickleham. Theory and Practice of Warming and Ventilating. London 1825.

  • (p) J W Hiort. Description of an Improved Chimney Flue or Tunnel invented by John William Hiort. Author, London 1835.

  • Neil Arnott. Warming and Ventilating. London 1838.

  • Great Britain [ed W S Inman], Report of the Committee of the House of Commons on Ventilation, Warming, and the Transmission of Sound. John Weale, London 1836.

  • D B Reid. Illustrations of the Theory and Practice of Ventilation. London 1844. Reid is famous for his ventilation of the temporary Houses of Parliament, Westminster, which is described in the book.

  • Henry Ruttan. Lectures on the Ventilation of Buildings delivered at the Cobourg Mechanics’ Institute.  Star and Gazette, Cobourg [Ontario] 1848.

  • J H Griscom. The Use and Abuses of Air, &c. New York 1854.

  • Neil Arnott. The Smokeless Fire-Place. London 1855. A very scarce first edition.

  • Charles Tomlinson. Warming and Ventilating. London 1860.

  • L W Leeds. A Treatise on Ventilation. 2nd ed, New York 1871 [1868]. Seven lectures delivered by Lewis Leeds to the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia 1866-8. Leeds used a glass box as a model of a room, and by means of water of different colours demonstrated the movement of air: the book contains a number of coloured lithographic illustrations of this. Leeds tended in general to support the theory first advanced in 1862 by Henry Ruttan of Canada, that vitiated air should be removed from the bottom of the room rather than the top (though he did not mention Ruttan by name). For a discussion of Leeds see Eugene S Ferguson, 'An Historical Sketch of Central Heating: 1800-1860', Chapter 10 of Charles E Peterson [ed], Building Early America (Radnor [Pennsylvania] 1976), especially pp 173-174.

  • William Eassie. Healthy Houses: a Handbook to the History, Defects, and Remedies of Drainage, Ventilation, Warming and Kindred Subjects. New York 1879 [London 1872].

  • W F Butler.  Ventilation of Buildings. Van Nostrand, New York 1873.

  • Douglas Galton. Observations on the Construction of Healthy Dwellings namely Houses, Hospitals, Barracks, Asylums &c. Clarendon Press, Oxford  1880.

  • I D Smead. Ventilation and Warming of Buildings. Toledo [Ohio] 1889. Isaac Smead claimed to be the largest manufacturer in the world of boilers and other apparatus, and the book is largely designed to promote these products. His discussion is not so wide-ranging as Leeds's, but he uses the same technique of representing hot and cold air in different colours (though not purporting to base these illustrations on experiment). He acknowledges Ruttan as the ultimate source of his principles.

  • Babcock & Wilcox Co. Steam: its Generation and Use, &c. 21st ed, New York 1891 [1879].

  • J Drysdale & J W Hayward. Health and Comfort in House Building. 3rd ed, London 1890 [1872]. Subtitled: 'Ventilation with warm air by self-acting suction power'.

  • Charles Hood [revised Frederick Dye]. Warming Buildings by Hot Water. 3rd new ed, London 1897.

  • A J Wallis-Tayler. Refrigeration Cold Storage and Ice-Making. London 1902.

  • William Kent. The Mechanical Engineer's Pocket Book. 7th ed, New York 1905.

  • Sanitary, Heating, and Ventilation Engineering.  4 vols, American Technical Society, Chicago 1924.

  • A A Jones [ed]. Modern Heating and Ventilation. 3 vols, London, no date [c1930].

  • Oscar Faber & J R Kell. Heating and Air-Conditioning of Buildings. London 1936.

  • Sydney Flavel & Co. Ltd. How We Build.  Flavel, Leamington [Warwickshire], no date [1937].

  • (p) Magicoal Plus Fires. Heating of To-Day. no place or date [Britain, ?c 1940]. Copy bearing the stamp of Warburton, Franki (Melb.) Ltd., electrical engineers and merchants.

  • E P Anderson. Audel's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Guide, &c. Theo Audel & Co, New York 1953 [1944].

  • R W Shoemaker. Radiant Heating. New York 1954.

Robert Boyle

  • (f) Robert Boyle & Son Ltd. The "Boyle" System of Ventilation. London, no date [c 1900]. Dated references within are as late as 12 August 1898 (p 25) and 7 November 1898 (supplement p viii). Boyle travelled in Australia and elsewhere 'in the interests of sanitary science and of the well-known ventilating and sanitary appliances of which he is the inventor'. An account of the trip appeared in the Building News of 2, 9 and 16 September 1892, and was reprinted by Robert Boyle & Co as A Sanitary Crusade through the East and Australasia (London 1892) [ref Bibliophile catalogue 13, item 97]. This was one of seven such 'crusades' through different regions of the world.

  • (p) Robert Boyle & Son Ltd. We respectfully beg to draw attention to the Latest Improved form of the Patent Self-Acting Air Pump Ventilator ... & Caution to Architects. Fraudulent Substitution [two small broadsides], London 1892. Each is in the form of an illuminated and gilded text on simulated aged and browning paper, and the two are tied together.

  • Robert Boyle. The Ventilation of Public Buildings. Robert Boyle & Son, London 1923.

Ideal Boilers & Radiators

  • National Radiator Company. Ideal Manual. Hull 1930.

  • Ideal Boilers & Radiators Limited. Ideal Boilers Radiators Accessories. Hull 1938. [Link]

  • Ideal Boilers & Radiators Ltd. Ideal Boilers Radiators Accessories. Hull 1953.

  • Ideal Boilers & Radiators Ltd. Ideal Boilers Radiators Accessories. Hull 1956. [Link]

See also:

(sec 5) Treatise on Architecture 4. [incl] Heating and Ventilation I C S Reference Library 72. Heating & Ventilating (sec 14) Montgomery Ward, Plumbing and Heating Sutcliffe, Modern Plumber and Sanitary Engineer Stubbs, Encyclopedia of Sanitary Engineering, Heating &c (sec 27) Carrington, Fresh Air, and How to Use it

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