48. Victoria: Social History

  • J G Knight. Narrative of the Visit of His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh to the Colony of Victoria, Australia. Melbourne 1868.

  • 'The Vagabond' [Julian Thomas]. The Vagabond Papers. First Series. Melbourne 1876.

  • 'The Vagabond' [Julian Thomas]. The Vagabond Papers. Third Series. Melbourne 1877.

  • George Meudell. The Pleasant Career of a Spendthrift. London, no date [1929]. The very scarce unexpurgated first edition.

  • F O Barnett. The Making of a Criminal. Melbourne 1942.

Public Library, National Gallery & Museums

  • Victoria. Public Library. Catalogue of the Public Library of Victoria. 2 vols, Melbourne 1880. Presentation copy to Sir Francis Murphy from the Trustees.

  • T S Hall. Catalogue of the Scientific and Technical Periodical Literature in the Libraries of Melbourne. Melbourne 1890.

  • T B Hall. Illustrated Catalogue of the National Gallery. Melbourne 1908.

  • E La T Armstrong & R D Boys. The Book of the Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria 1906-1931. Melbourne 1937.

  • C A McCallum. The Public Library of Victoria 1856-1956. Melbourne 1956.


  • (p) Victoria. Legislative Assembly. Deaf, Dumb and Blind Children. Melbourne 1862.

  • University of Melbourne. Proceedings on Laying the Memorial Stone of the Wilson Hall of the University of Melbourne by the Honourable Sir Samuel Wilson, Knt., M.L.C. Melbourne 1879.

  • Edward Sweetman and others. A History of State Eduction in Victoria. Melbourne 1922.

  • (p) The Emily McPherson College of Domestic Economy. Melbourne 1934.

  • Melbourne Church of England Grammar School. Melbourne, no date [c 1940].

  • L J Blake [ed]. Vision and Realisation. 3 vols, Melbourne 1973.

  • (p) Melbourne University Magazine, IX, 2 [1915]. Includes contributions by R G Menzies.

  • Ernest Scott. A History of the University of Melbourne. Mebourne 1936.

  • R M Crawford. Wilson Hall: Centre and Symbol of the University. Melbourne UP, Carlton [Victoria] 1952.


  • John Hetherington. Pillars of the Faith. Melbourne 1966.

  • J S Gregory. Church and State. Melbourne 1973.


  • George Goodman. The Church in Victoria during the Episcopate of the Right Reverend Charles Perry. Melbourne 1892.

  • H W Nunn. A Short History of the Church of England in Victoria 1847-1947. Melbourne 1947.

  • A E Clark. The Church of our Fathers. No place [?Warragul (Victoria)] 1947. Copy inscribed by D B Blackwood, Bishop of Gippsland, to H A Evans.

  • A E Clark. Supplement to the Church of our Fathers. Sale [Victoria] 1953.


  • W L Blamires & J B Smith. The Early Story of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Victoria. Melbourne 1886.

  • C I Benson [ed]. A Century of Victorian Methodism. Melbourne 1935.


  • F J Wilkin. Baptists in Victoria. Our First Century 1838-1938. Melbourne 1939.


  • C S Ross. The Scottish Church in Victoria, 1851-1901. Melbourne 1901.

  • D M Stewart. The Presbyterian Church of Victoria. Growth in Fifty Years. Melbourne (1909).

  • Aeneas Macdonald. One Hundred Years of Presbyterianism in Victoria. Melbourne 1937.

Roman Catholic

  • Some of the Fruits of Fifty Years. Melbourne 1897.

  • M Watson [ed]. The Consecration of St Patrick's Cathedral. Melbourne. Melbourne 1973.

  • Walter Ebsworth. Pioneer Catholic Victoria. Melbourne 1973.

Melbourne Savage Club

  • D M Dow. Melbourne Savages. Melbourne 1947.

  • (p) Len Reynolds (cover artist). Melbourne Savage Club 183rd Smoke Concert 6 Sept. 1930.

  • (p) Len Reynolds (cover artist). Melbourne Savage Club 197th Smoke Concert 22 June 1935.

See also:

(sec 32)> Report of the Board ... the resolution of the operatives not to work more than eight hours per diem (sec 44) Barnett & Pearson, Poverty of the People Barnett, I Hear the Tramp of Millions

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