32. Victoria: Nineteenth Century Architecture & Building

  • (p) Victoria. Legislative Council. Expenditure at Toorak. Return to address, Mr Goodman - 16th February, 1855. Melbourne 1856.

  • (p) Victoria. Parliament. Report of the Board appointed 'to inquire into and ascertain the difference which has been produced in the cost of building by the resolution of the operatives not to work more than eight hours per diem'. Melbourne 1856.

  • (p) Victoria. Legislative Assembly. Report of the Select Committee on Supreme Court Buildings and Offices. Melbourne 1863.

  • Redmond Barry. Address to the Workmen Employed in Building the Great Hall of the Melbourne Public Library and Museum. Melbourne 1866.

  • (p) Victoria. Legislative Assembly. Report from the Select Committee upon the Supreme Court Buildings. Melbourne 1878.

  • (p) Victoria. Public Works Department. Report of Royal Commission. Melbourne 1873.

  • (p) Gregory's Timber Yard, William Street, Melbourne, invoice for 200 Bangor slates, 28 November 1873

  • (p) Victoria. Parliament. Parliament Buildings: First Report of the Royal Commission. Melbourne 1877.

  • (p) Victoria. Report of Board ...'to enquire into and report upon the allegations .... against the Officers of the Public Works Department'. Melbourne 1881.

  • (p) Anonymous. 'Supply of all ... Two Shops + Dwellings to be built in Bay St Brighton for John Kelly Esqre. East Brighton' [ms specification]. Brighton [Victoria] 1881.

  • (p) Victoria. Legislative Assembly. Report from the Select Committee upon the Mount Difficult Stone for Parliament House. Melbourne 1882.

  • G H Jenkins. A Short History and Description of the Parliament House, Melbourne. Melbourne 1886.

  • (p) H B Allen. Final General Report on Hospital Construction and Management. Melbourne 1891. Very important, and interesting for its reference to 'marmor-terazzo' flooring at Hamburg Hospital, p 9, and Middlesex Hospital, p 17.

  • Royal Victorian Institute of Architects. Memorandum and Articles of Association. Melbourne 1900 [1890].

See also:

(sec 21) Victoria, Parliament, Hospitals and Asylums (sec 38) Harley, "Sun" Foundry Catalogue (many nineteenth century patterns) (sec 50) Dunn, Cameron and McRae'sā€¦ The Flagstone Quarry, Specimen Gully, Castlemaine [various parliamentary papers on the Kew and Yarra Bend asylums]

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