46. Victoria: Parliament

Victoria. Parliament Library. Catalogue of the Parliament Library. Part I. Alphabetical Catalogue. Melbourne 1886. Part II. Classified Catalogue. Melbourne 1888.

Victorian Legislative Assembly [J M Worthington, compiler]. Index to the Parliamentary Papers, Reports of Select Committees, and Returns to Orders, Bills, etc. Melbourne 1909.

Victoria. Parliament. [Travers Adamson, compiler]. Acts of the Parliament of Victoria 1856-1857. Melbourne 1857.

Victoria. The Victorian Statutes ... and Acts of the Federal Council of Australia. 5 vols, Melbourne 1887.

Victoria. Health Act 1928 and Amendments [cover title]. Melbourne 1928 &c..

Victoria. The Victorian Statutes: the General Public Acts of Victoria. 5 vols, Melbourne 1929.

Victoria. No. 6299. An Act to Consolidate the Law Relating to Local Government, 30 September 1958. Published with a prefatory index by Arnall & Jackson, West Brunswick [Victoria] 1958.

See also:

(sec 31) Victoria, Parliament, Parliament Buildings: Report, 1877 Jenkins, History of Parliament House (sec 32)> Victoria, Parliament, Building Stone Victoria, Legislative Assembly. Mount Difficult Stone

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