27. Twentieth Century Architecture &C

  • Royal Institute of British Architects. Kalendar. London 1903.

  • C H Nicholson & H C Corlette. Modern Church Building [an offprint from the Journal of the RIBA, 3rd series, xiv, 8]. London 1907.

  • T R Davison. The Arts Connected with Building. London 1909. Contributors include C F A Voysey, E Guy Dawber, M H Baillie Scott. An emanation of the persisting Arts and Crafts Movement.

  • H B Newbold. House and Cottage Construction. 4 vols, London, no date. James W Beattie catalog 142 no 82 is a two volume edition said to be c 1900.

  • T R Davison. Modern Homes. London 1909. Two copies.

  • G A T Middleton. Modern Buildings. 6 vols, London, no date [c 1910]. Includes as vol V part IV, Robert Haddon, 'Australian Planning and Construction'. As it has the plan of the Melbourne Public Library with the rotunda, it can be no earlier than 1908.

  • Charles Nicholson & Charles Spoone.   Recent English Ecclesiastical Architecture.  Technical Jourmals Ltd, Westminster, no date [c 1910].

  • P L Marks. The Principles of Planning Buildings. 3rd ed, London 1911 [1901].

  • B F Fletcher & H P Fletcher. The English Home. 2nd ed, London 1911 [1910].

  • T S Carrington. Fresh Air and How to Use It. New York 1912. Reflects the extremes of the sleeping-out craze.

  • H A Bruce. Above the Clouds in Old New York. New York 1913. Visitors guide to the new Woolworth Building.

  • (f) Royal Cortissoz. Monograph of the Work of Charles A Platt. New York 1913.

  • C H Reilly [ed]. The Liverpool Architectural Sketchbook, III. London 1913. With the bookplate of H Desbrowe Annear (by Napier Waller).

  • U M Dustman. Construction of Modern Houses and Bungalows. Chicago 1916.

  • Moritz Kahn. The Design and Construction of Industrial Buildings. London 1917.

  • R R Phillips, The Servantless House. Country Life, London 1920.

  • (f) Owen Wister et al. A monograph of the Works of Mellor Meigs & Howe. New York 1923. The copy of W R Butler.

  • Morris Knowles. Industrial Housing. New York 1920.

  • S P Cadman et al. The Cathedral of Commerce: Woolworth Building, New York. Baltimore 1925 [1917].

  • W H S Cleghorne. Farm Buildings and Building Construction in South Africa. London 1925.

  • Lugwig Mies van der Rohe et al. Bau und Wohnung [catalogue of the Deutscher Werkbund exhibitiion in Stuttgart, with contributions by Behrens, Le Corbusier, Oud, Poelzig, Scharoun, the Tauts, &c]. Herausgegeben vom Deutschen Werkbund, Stuttgart 1927.

  • Richard Neutra. Sie Baut Amerika? [How America Builds]. No publication details [Julius Hoffman, 1927]

  • Nathaniel Lloyd. Building Craftsmanship in Brick and Tile and in Stone Slates. Cambridge 1929.

  • A R Powys. Repair of Ancient Buildings. London 1929. A pioneering text on restoration practice.

  • W C Clark & J L Kingston. The Skyscraper: a Study in the Economic Height of Modern Office Buildings. New York 1930.

  • Henry-Russell Hitchcock & Philip Johnson. The International Style: Architecture since 1922. New York 1932.

  • Howard Robertson. Modern Architectural Design. London 1932.

  • L'ArchItecture Vivante en Allemagne. Éditions Albert Morancé, Paris, no date [c 1932] [incomplete].

  • L'Architecture Vivante en Hollande, Deuxième Serie. Éditions Albert Morancé, Paris, no date [c 1932].

  • Architectural Record, LXXIV, 4 (October 1933). Issue on the work of H T Lindeberg.

  • Walter Gropius [translated P M Shand]. The New Architecture and the Bauhaus. London 1935. Two copies.

  • E & O E. Planning: an Annual Notebook. London 1937. Two copies, one being that of F L & K L Klingender.

  • Bernard Friedman [ed]. Flats. London 1938.

  • Patrick Abercrombie [ed], The Book of the Modern House: a Panoramic Survey of Contemporary Domestic Design (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1939).

  • F R S Yorke & C T Penn. A Key to Modern Architecture. London 1939.

  • E S de Maré. Britain Rebuilt. London 1942. Published for the Social Credit Party, of which Eric De Maré was an active member.

  • Demonstration Houses: a Short Account of the Demonstration Houses & Flats erected at Northolt by the Ministry of Works. London 1944.

  • George Nelson & Henry Wright. Tomorrow's House. New York 1945.

  • Margaret Baird et al [a committee of the Association of Building Technicians]. Homes for the People. Paul Elek, London 1945.

  • Hugh Casson. Homes by the Million. Harmondsworth [Middlesex] 1946.

  • Howard Robertson. Architecture Arising. London, no date [c 1940].

  • Talbot Hamlin. Architecture: an Art for all Men. New York 1947.

  • Le Corbusier, UN Headquarters. Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York 1947.

  • E A Plishke. Design and Living. Wellington 1947.

  • H Kamenka. Flats. London 1947.

  • Richard Neutra. Arquitetura Sociale em Paises de Clima Quente / Architecture of Sovcal Concern in Regions of Mild Climate. Gerth Todtmann, São Paolo 1948.

  • Charles Woodward et al. Houses into Flats. 2nd ed, London 1948 [1947].

  • Edward Maufe. Modern Church Architecture. London 1948.

  • F R S. Yorke [ed]. Specification 1950. London 1950. This copy inscribed by Peter Williams to Miles Lewis.

  • Bruno Zevi. Towards an Organic Architecture. London 1950.

  • Garrett Eckbo. Landscape for Living. Architectural Record, New York 1950. 

  • E D Mills. The Modern Factory. London 1951.

  • Henry-Russell Hitchcock & Arthur Drexler [eds]. Built in USA: Post-War Architecture. Museum of Modern Art, New York 1952.

  • Bryan Westwood & Norman Westwood. The Modern Shop. London 1952.  

  • Talbot Hamlin. Forms and Functions of Twentieth-Century Architecture. 4 vols, New York 1952.  

  • A Vlasov. Moscow's Multi-Storey Buildings. Foreign Language Publishing, Moscow 1954. By the Chief Architect for Moscow.

  • International Union of Architects Congress, Moscow 1958. Brochures, tickets &c, from the Ernest Fooks papers.

  • Flats and Houses 1958: Design and Economy. HMSO, London 1958.

  • Santosh Gosh et al [eds]. Annual of Architecture, Structure and Townplanning. Calcutta 1961.

  • B A Glaudinov et al. Architecture of the Soviet Kazakstan. Cɤpoйиɜдaҭ, Moscow 1987.

Osbert Lancaster

  • Osbert Lancaster. Progress at Pelvis Bay. John Murray, London 1944 [1936].

  • Osbert Lancaster. Pillar to Post. John Murray, London 1940 [1938] One of the first works to take the mickey out of the International Style as well as its predecessors, and a British antecedent of Robin Boyd.

  • Osbert Lancaster. Pillar to Post. John Murray, London 1948 [1938]).

  • Osbert Lancaster. Homes Sweet Homes. 1st edition, John Murray, London 1940 [1939]

  • Osbert Lancaster. Homes Sweet Homes. John Murray, London 1941 [1939].

  • Osbert Lancaster. Homes Sweet Homes. John Murray, London 1963 [1939].

  • Osbert Lancaster. Classical Landscape with Figures. John Murray, London 1947.

  • Osbert Lancaster. The Saracen’s Head. John Murray, London 1948

  • Osbert Lancaster. Draynflete Revealed. John Murray, London 1949.

  • Osbert Lancaster.  Draynflete Revealed (John Murray, London 1951 [1949])

  • Osbert Lancaster. Façades and Faces (John Murray, London 1951 [1950])

  • Osbert Lancaster. Here, of all Places [incorporating Homes Sweet Homes and Pillar to Post, and ‘homes across the Atlantic’]. John Murray, London 1959.

  • Osbert Lancaster. Here, of all Places. 1st edition, John Murray, London 1959. Incorporating Homes Sweet Homes and Pillar to Post.

  • Osbert Lancaster. Mixed Notices. John Murray, London 1963.

  • Osbert Lancaster. Signs of the Times. John Murray, London 1961.

  • Osbert Lancaster. Sailing to Byzantium: an Architectural Companion.  Gambit, Boston 1969.

  • Osbert Lancaster. The Littlehampton Bequest. John Murray, London 1973. Inscribed to Miles and Mary by members of the Fitzroy History Society.

  • Osbert Lancaster. The Littlehampton Bequest. John Murray, London 1973.

  • Osbert Lancaster. A Cartoon History of Architecture [second edition of Here, of all Places, with additions]. John Murray, London 1975. Osbert Lancaster.

  • Scene Changes [second edition of Here, of all Places, with additions]. John Murray, London 1975.

illustrated by Osbert Lancaster

  • Virginia Graham. Say Please. Harvill Press, London 1949.

  • Alan Morehead. The Villa Diana. Hamish Hamilton, London 1951

  • C N Parkinson. Parkinson’s Law. John Murray, London 1958.

cover by Osbert Lancaster

  • Hugh Farmar.  A Regency Elopement. Michael Joseph, London 1969.

Osbert Lancaster anthologies

  • Osbert Lancaster. The Penguin Osbert Lancaster. Penguin, Harmondsworth [Middlesex] 1964.

  • Osbert Lancaster [selected by Geraldine Cook]. The Life and Times of Maudie Littlehampton]. John Murray, London 1982.

  • Osbert Lancaster [selected by Edward Lucie-Smith], The Essential Osbert Lancaster. Barrie & Jenkins, London 1988.

about Osbert Lancaster

  • James Knox.  Cartoons and Coronets: the Genius of Osbert Lancaster. Frances Lincoln, London 2008.

Town Planning

  • W A Harvey. The Model Village and its Cottages: Bournville. London 1906.

  • Rudolf Dircks [ed]. Town Planning Conference, London 10-15 October 1910. Members' Handbook. London 1910.

  • Royal Institute of British Architects. Town Planning Conference, London 10-15 October 1910. Transactions. London 1911.

  • (f) T H Mawson. Civic Art: Studies in Town Planning Parks Boulevards and Open Spaces. London 1911.

  • T R Davison. Port Sunlight. London 1916. Contains a card sent by W H Lever in 1906 to his supporters in the parliamentary election, with a family photograph.

  • International Housing and Town Planning Congress, Vienna 1926. Programme of Conference Tours. London 1926.

  • International Housing and Town Planning Congress, Vienna 1926. Part III Report. [?Vienna 1926]. Note Sir John Sulman, Vice-President. Others include Professor Patrick Abercrombie, Dr H P Berlage, Sir Ebenezer Howard [President], F L Olmsted, C B Purdom &c.

  • Patrick Abercrombie. Town and Country Planning. 2nd ed, London 1952 [1933]

  • Boleslaw Bierut. The Six-Year Plan for the Reconstruction of Warsaw. Warsaw 1949.

  • Eric MacFadyen et al. Movable dwellings: Report of the Movable Dwellings Conference 1947-9. London 1950.

  • Lewis Keeble. Principles and Practice of Town and Country Planning. 2nd ed, London 1959 [1952].

see also

(sec 12) Bennett, Design in Concrete Onderdonk, The Ferro-Concrete Style (sec 15) Gloag & Wornum, House out of Factory (sec 22) Randall, Building Construction in Chicago (sec 26) Wright, Small Houses (sec 30) R.V.I.A. International Exhibition (sec 54) Lund, Sverige i Bilder

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