54. Miscellaneous Antiquarian Reference

  • Edward Gibbon. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 12 vols, London 1802. Also the same in three volumes, London, no date.

  • M G L-D de Rienzi, Océanie ou Cinquième Partie du Monde. 3 vols, Firmin Didot Paris, 1836-7.

  • Sidney Smith. The Settler's New Home: or the Emigrant's Location. London, no date [1849] bound with

  • Smith, Whether to Go, and Whither: see section 44.

  • Dionysius Lardner. Museum of Science and Art. 12 vols bound as 6. London 1854-6..

  • M A de Caumont. Abécédaire ou Rudiment d'Archéologie. Caen 1870.

  • William Smith [ed]. A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. London 1872.

  • (f) Picturesque Europe. 3 vols, London, no date.

  • J R M McCulloch [ed H G Reid]. Dictionary of Commerce and Commercial Navigation. London 1871.

  • W H Thorn. Reed's Engineers' Handbook. Sunderland 1882.

  • J R Jones [ed]. The National Encyclopedia of Business and Social Forms. Philadelphia 1882.

  • Arthur Baessler. Neue Südsee-Bilder. Berlin 1900. (f) Edward VII & Alexandra Coronation. London 1903. The Illustrated London News guide to the Coronation.

  • (f) B E Smith [ed]. The Century Cyclopedia of Names. London, no date [1903].

  • Karl Lund [ed]. Sverige i Bilder [Sweden Illustrated]. Stockholm 1928. Pictures of architectural interest include Lund Cathedral; Stockholm Concert Hall; Stockholm Town Hall; Engelbrecht Church, Stockholm; Skuru Bridge, Stockholm; and a sawmill at Gävle with an arched (?laminated) roof.

  • [Edinburgh, Duke of] Address book bearing the signature of HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, signed on the occasion of his opening the Architecture Building, Melbourne University, 30 May 1968. The book contains two further signatures, that of Judge Samuel of the High Court of Australia, and what may be that of Arthur Calwell, Canberra. It is otherwise empty, and in its original gold box.


  • Nathaniel Kent. Hints to Gentlemen of Landed Property. London 1775. Very important for its designs for 'studd work cottages', held by Peter Bell to supply a precedent for the Australian stud frame.

  • John Timbs. Curiosities of London, exhibiting the most rare and remarkable objects of interest in the Metropolis; with nearly fifty years' Personal Recollections. London 1855.

  • William Howitt. The Northern Heights of London. London 1859.

  • Samuel Phillips & F K J Shenton. Guide to the Crystal Palace. Sydenham 1859. Newspaper and General Reader's Pocket Companion. London 1859.

  • Samuel Smiles. Industrial Biography: Iron Workers and Tool Makers. John Murray, London 1863.

  • Charles Knight [ed]. Old England: a Pictorial Museum. 2 vols, London 1864. Samuel Smiles. James Brindley and the Early Engineers. London 1864.

  • Samuel Timmins [ed]. The Resources, Products and Industrial History of Birmingham and the Midland Hardware District: a Series of Reports, collected by the Local Industry of the British Association at Birmingham in 1865. London 1866.

  • Samuel Smiles. Lives of the Engineers: Harbours - Lighthouses - Bridges: Smeaton and Rennie. John Muray, London 1874.

  • Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage of Great Britain and Ireland for 1892, &c. London 1892.

  • A Picturesque and Descriptive Guide to London and its Environs. London 1916.

  • (p) Isaac Nash, Bellbroughton, near Stourbridge [catalogue of knives, billhooks &c] (Nash, Bellbroughton, no date),

  • (p) Thornhill, Bednal & Co, Illustrated List of Shoe Awls & Tacks, &c (Thornhill, Bednal & Co, Sheffield, no date, ?1920s)

United States

  • William Taylor. Califiornia Life Illustrated. New York 1858.

  • (f) Chicago: Pictorial and Biographical. De Luxe Supplement. Volume II. Chicago 1912. Biographies and portraits include Joseph Keene, founder of the Chicago Spring Butt Company (which exported hinges worldwide); Thomas Church, who built a frame store and dwelling in Chicago in 1834, at the time of the supposed invention of the balloon frame; J S Metcalf, a leading constructor of grain elevators; M G Kellogg, a pioneer of the development of the telephone; E A Kimball, manufacturer of paving cement and roofing materials; Benjamin Marshall, architect; and C H McCormick, of reaper fame.

  • G D Colburn. Succeed with "Club" Aluminum. Chicago 1927.


  • (p) Wilh Jordan [untitled catalogue of domestic cutlery blades, files &c]. Solingen, no date


  • Frederick Hardman [translated Edward Jerrmann]. Pictures from St. Petersburg. London 1853.

  • M Ilin. Moscow has a Plan. London 1931.


  • Louis Dubeux. La Perse. Firman Didot Frères, Paris 1841.

  • Henri Garnier [ed]. Voyage en Perse, Arménie, Mésopotamie, Chaldée, Kurdistan, Arabie, etc. Alfred Meme et Fils, Tours 1875.

  • Al Gayet, L'Art Persan. Libraires-Imprimeries Réunies, Paris 1895.


  • G W MacGeorge. Ways and Works in India. Archibald Constable, Westminster 1894.

Near East

  • T E Lawrence. Seven Pillars of Wisdom: a Triumph. Jonathan Cape, London 1935.

North Africa

  • Michael Russell. History and Present Condition of the Barbary States. Harper & Brothers, New York 1840.

  • N Davis. Carthage and her Remains. Richard Bentley, London 1861.

  • P-L Monteuil. De Saint-Louisà Tripoli par le Lac Tchad: Voyage au Travers du Soudan et du Sahara accompli pendant les années 1890-91-92. Chicago 1927.

  • M M Safwat. Tunis and the Great Powers 1878-1881. P F Baganis, Alexandria 1943.

  • The Problem of Tunisia. 1. The Political Status of Tunisia. Tunisian Destur Party, Cairo 1951.

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