22. Architectural History And Exemplars: General

  • Rudiments of Ancient Architecture, containing an historical account of the five orders ... with a Dictionary of Terms, &c. 5th ed, J Taylor, London 1821.

  • James Fergusson. The Illustrated Handbook of Architecture. 2 vols, London 1855. Also a second copy of vol II.

  • James Fergusson. History of the Modern Styles of Architecture. London 1862. Also 2nd ed, London 1873 [being vol IV of the History of Architecture]. Also 3rd ed, 2 vols: vol I, London 1891.

  • James Fergusson. A History of Architecture in all Countries. 2nd ed, 4 vols (vol IV as above, vol III as below), vols I & II, London 1874 [1865 and 1867].

  • James Fergusson. History of Indian and Eastern Architecture. London 1876 (being vol III of the History of Architecture).

  • L-C Colomb. Habitations et Édifices. 10th ed, Paris 1887.

  • T R Smith. Architecture Gothic and Renaissance. London 1880.

  • F O Morris [ed].  A Series of Picturesque Views of Seats of the Noblemen and Gentlemen of Great Britain and Ireland, &c (6 vols, William Mackenzie, London, no date (1880 [1864 ff])

  • A Rosengarten [translated by W Collett-Sandars]. A Handbook of Architectural Style. London 1896.

  • Russell Sturgis. European Architecture: a Historical Study. New York 1896.

  • P L Waterhouse. The Story of Architecture. London 1901.

  • Banister Fletcher & Banister F Fletcher. A History of Architecture on the Comparative Method. 5th ed, London 1905. Also the 13th edition, London 1936.

  • F M Simpson. A History of Architectural Development. Vol. I. London 1905.

  • F M Simpson. A History of Architectural Development. Vol. II. London 1909.

  • F M Simpson. A History of Architectural Development. Vol. III. London 1913. Two copies, one being that of Leighton Irwin.

  • T G Jackson. Reason in Architecture. London 1906.

  • A D F Hamlin. A Text-Book on the History of Architecture. 8th ed, New York 1909. Plus another copy, 1918 reprint of the same edition.

  • J W Simpson. Essays and Memorials. London 1923.

  • H H Statham. A Short Critical History of Architecture. London 1927 [1912].

  • Mark Bence-Jones.  Burke's Guide to Country Houses. Volume I. Ireland (Burke’s Peerage, London 1978). No 47 of a limited edition of 350.

  • Peter Reid.  Burke's and Savill’s Guide to Country Houses. Volume II. Herefordshire. Shropshire. Warwickshire. Worcestershire (Burke’s Peerage, London 1980). No 10 of a limited edition of 350

  • John Kenworthy-Browne et al.  Burke's and Savill’s Guide to Country Houses. Volume III. East Anglio (Burke’s Peerage, London 1981). No 12 of a limited edition of 350.


  • N V Huyen. Introduction a l'Étude de l'Habitation sur Pilotis dans l'Asie du Sud-Est. Paul Geuthner, Paris, 1934.

  • W C Green. Old Cottages and Farm-Houses in Surrey. London 1908.

  • S O Addy [revised John Summerso . The Evolution of the English House. Revised edition, London 1933 [1898].

  • Gustav Wolf. Das Norddeutscher Dorf. R Piper & Co, Munchen 1923.

  • H C Mercer. The Origin of Log Houses in the United States. Doylestown [Pennsylvania] 1976 [1924].

  • Nathaniel Lloyd. A History of the English House. London 1949 [1931].

  • Georges Doyon & Robert Hubrecht. L'Architecture Rurale & Bourgeoise en France. Vincent, Fréal & Cie, Paris 1942.


  • Rudiments of Ancient Architecture. 5th ed, London 1821.

  • (ef) James Stuart and Nicholas Revett. The Antiquities of Athens. New edition, 2 vols, London 1825.

  • Louis Palma de Cesnola. Cyprus: its Ancient Cities, Tombs, and Temples. John Murray, London 1877.

  • Georges Perrot & Charles Chipiez. Histoire de l'Art dans l'Anitiquité: I. L'Égypte. Paris 1882. II. Chaldée et Assyrie. Paris 1884. IV. Judée - Sardaigne - Syrie - Cappadoce. Paris 1887. VI La Grèce Primitive: l'Art Mycénien. Paris 1894. VII La Grèce de l' Épopée: la Grèce Archaique (le Temple). Paris 1898.

  • W H Goodyear. Greek Refinements. London 1912.

  • E Minns. Scythians and Greeks. 2 vols, Biblo & Tannen, New York 1965 [CUP 1913

  • H S Robinson. The Urban Development of Ancient Corinth. Athens 1965.

  • Albert Gabriel. Phrygie: Exploration Archéologique. Tome IV. La Cité de Midas Architecture. Paris 1965].


  • A H Layard. Nineveh and its Remains. 2 vols, London 1849. Mark Crinson, Empire Building (London 1996), p 185, says that Layard's Nineveh is actually a study of Nimrud, as also appears from Henri Frankfort, The Art and Architecture of the Ancient Orient (Harmondsworth [Middlesex] 1954), p 243 n 18.

  • A H Layard. Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon. London 1853.

  • A H Layard. Nineveh and its Remains. 2 vols, London 1849. Mark Crinson, Empire Building (London 1996), p 185, says that Layard's Nineveh is actually a study of Nimrud, as also appears from Henri Frankfort, The Art and Architecture of the Ancient Orient (Harmondsworth [Middlesex] 1954), p 243 n 18.

  • A H Layard. Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon. London 1853.

  • R Ferguson. Nineveh and its Ruins. T J Allman, London, no date [c 1853].

  • Gertrude Bell.  Amurath to Amurath (2nd ed, Macmillan, London 1924 [1921]).


  • Jane Dieulafoy. La Perse, la Chaldée et la Susiane. Extracted from the journal Le Tour du Monde, 1868-9.

  • R Ghirshman et al, Tchoga-Zanbil (Der-Untash) Volume I: La Ziggurat [Memoires of the Mission Archéologique en Iran, vol xxxix]. Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, Paris 1968.

  • R Ghirshman et al, Tchoga-Zanbil (Der-Untash) Volume II: Temenos, Temple, Palais, Tombes [Memoires of the Mission Archéologique en Iran, vol xl]. Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, Paris 1968.

  • Sli Hakemi. Shahdad: Archaeological Excavations of a Bronze Age Center in Iran. Ismeo, Rome 1977.


  • (f) [Giovanni Giustino] Ciampini. De Sacris Ædificiis a Constantino Magno Constructis Synopsis Historica. Giovanni Giacomo Komarek, Rome 1693.

  • (f) Hector d'Espouy. Fragments d'Architecture Antique d'après les Relevés & Restaurations des Anciens Pensionnaires de l'Académie de France à Rome. 2 folios [100 lose plates each] Paris 1905.

  • William Gell & J P Gandy.  Pompeiana: the Topography, Edifices, and Ornaments of Pompeii (Rodwell & Martin, London 1817-1819)

  • G T Rivoira.  Roman Architecture: and its Principles of Construction under the Empire. OUP, London 1925.


  • K A C Cresswell. The Origin of the Plan of the Dome of The Rock. London 1924.

  • H C Butler [completed by E B Smith]. Early Churches in Syria, Fourth to Seventh Centuries.  Princeton University, no place, 1929.

  • H C Butler. Early Churches of Syria, Fourth to Seventh Centuries. Princeton [New Jersey] 1929; reprint Amsterdam 1969.

  • J W Crowfoot. Churches at Jerash. London 1931.

  • William Harvey. Structural Survey of the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem. London 1935.

  • Helmuth T Bossert. Altsyrien. Ernst Wasmuth, Tübingen 1951.

  • André Parrot. Golgotha et Saint-Sépulcre [Cahiers d'Archéologie Biblique]. Delachaux & Niestlé S A, Neuchatel 1955.

  • Georges Tchalenko, Villages Antiques de la Syrie du Nord: Le Massif de Bélus a l'Époque Romaine. 3 vols, Paul Guethner, Paris 1953, 1953, 1958.

North Africa

  • Gaston Boissier. Roman Africa: Archaeological Walks in Algeria and Tunis. Putnam's Sons, New York 1899.

  • S Gsell. Proménades Archéologiques aux Environs d'Alger (Cherchel, Tipasa, le Tombau de la Chrétienne). Société d'Édition 'Les Belles Lettres', Paris 1926.

  • (p) McBurney, C B M, R W Hey & W Watson, ‘First Report of the Cambridge Archaeological Expedition to Cyrenaica (1947)’, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society for 1948.

  • Mohamed Fendri. Basiliques Chrétiennes de la Skhira. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris 1961.

  • (f) Sebastian Storz. Tonröhren im Antiken Gewölbebau mit einer Rekonstruktion des Schalungstragwerkes für die Trompengewölbe der Kobbat Bent el Rey in Karthago, Philipp von Zabern, Mainz am Rhein 1994.

Early Christian

  • (ef) I G Gutensohn & I M Knapp. Denkmale der Christlichen Religion oder Sammlung der Aeltesten Christlichen Kirchen oder Basiliken Roms (Monumenti della Religione Christiana o sia Raccolta delle Antiche Chiese o Basiliche Christiane di Roma). 3 folio volumes of loose engravings, bilingual text, Rome 1822, 1823.

  • W H Withrow. The Catcombs of Rome. 6th ed, London 1895

  • Jocelyn Toynbee & J W Perkins. The Shrine of St Peter and the Vatican Excavations. London 1956.

  • Josep [José] Puig i Cadafalch.  L'Art Wisigothique et ses Survivances: Recherches sur les Origines et le Développement de l’Art en France et en Espagne du IVe au XIIe Siècle. F de Nobele, Paris 1961.


  • Charles Diehl. Ravenne. Paris 1903. .

  • T G Jackson. Byzantine and Romanesque Architecture. 2nd ed, 2 vols, Cambridge 1920.


  • (f) Hector d'Espouy. Fragments d'Architecture de Moyen Age et de la Renaissance d'après les Relevés & Restaurations des Anciens Pensionnaires de l'Académie de France à Rome. Folios [100 loose plates] Paris, no date [?c1910].

  • J Puig i Cadafalch. Le Premier Art Roman. Paris 1928.

  • J Puig i Cadafalch. L'Arquitectura Romana a Catalunya. Barcelona 1934. This appears to be a Library of Congress deposit copy, and I don't care to think about how it came to be on the market.

  • (ef) Henri Revoil. Architecture Romane du Midi de la France. 3 vols, Paris 1867, 1874 and 1873. Said to have been a major influence on H H Richardson. Note vol I, ix-xii, Tarascon; II, xix ff, St-Gilles-du-Gard.

  • R de Lasteyrie. L'Architecture Religieuse en France à l'Époque Romane. 2nd ed, August Picard, Paris 1929 [1911].

  • Edward Hutton. The Cosmati: the Roman Marble Workers of tyhe XIIth and XIIIth Centuries. London 1950.

  • Raffaele Cattaneo. Architecture in Italy from the Sixth to the Eleventh Century. London 1896.


  • J P Cunningham. Inigo Jones. London 1849 [nominally 1848]. A publication of the Shakespeare Society, which includes reproductions of Jones's sketches for masques and dramas, with commentary by J R Planché, and the texts of five masques, edited by J P Collier.

  • (f) Paul Letarouilly. Édifices de Rome Moderne. Liège 1849 [text volume].

  • (ef) John Belcher & M E Macartney, Later Renaissance Architecture in England (2 vols, B T Batsford, London 1901).

  • (f) M E McCartney. The Practical Exemplar of Architecture (Fourth Series). Architectural Review, Westminster [series dates 1907-1927]. Folio of 112 loose plates with a six page introductioin. No publication details given - these were obtained from other sources.

  • J A Gotch. Early Renaissance Architecture in England. 2nd ed, London 1914 [1901].

  • W J Anderson & Arthur Stratton . The Architecture of the Renaissance in Italy. 5th ed, London 1927 [1896]

  • (f) Georges Loukomski. Charles Cameron. London 1943.


  • (ef) J C Krafft.  Plans, Coupes, Élévations des plus belles Maisons et des Hotels. Krafft et al, Paris [1801] [bound with Grand Prix d'Architecture]

  • (f) Grand Prix d’Architecture. Détournelle, Paris 1806[bound with Krafft, Maisons et Hotels]

  • (f) J C Krafft.  Receuil d’Architecture Civile. J L Scherff, Paris 1812.

  • César Daly.  L'Architecture Privée au XIX Siecle sous Napoleon III (3 vol., Morel & Cie, Paris, 1864.

  • W H Ward. The Architecture of the Renaissance in France. 2nd ed, London 1926.

English Baroque / Georgian

  • (p) R S Ferguson.   'Notes on a Door Lock' [extract fromn the Archaeological Journal, 1899]

  • (f) H A Tipping & Christopher Hussey. English Homes Period IV - Vol. II. The Work of Sir John Vanbrugh and his School, 1699-1736 .London 1928.

  • (f) A T Bolton. The Architecture of Robert & James Adam. 2 vols, London 1922.

  • A E Richardson. An Introduction to Georgian Architecture. London 1949.

  • Walter Ison. The Georgian Buildings of Bristol. London 1952.


  • Bruno Taut. Houses and People of Japan. London 1938.

  • Arthur Drexler. The Architecture of Japan. New York 1955.

  • Thai architecture [in Thai, no title or publication details in English].


  • Collins & Son. A Century of Progress. Christchurch 1965.


  • A F Bemis & John Burchard. The Evolving House, Volume I, A History of the Home. Cambridge [Massachusetts] 1933.

  • A F Bemis. The Evolving House, Volume II, The Economics of Shelter. Cambridge [Massachusetts] 1934.

  • A F Bemis. The Evolving House, Volume III, Rational Design. Cambridge [Massachusetts] 1939.

  • T E Tallmadge [ed]. The Origin of the Skyscraper: Report of the Committee appointed by the Trustees of the Estate of Marshall Field for the Examination of the Structure of the Home Insurance Building. Chicago 1939.

  • F A Randall. History of the Development of Building Construction in Chicago. Urbana [Illinois] 1949.

  • C W Condit. The Rise of the Skyscraper. Chicago 1952.

See also:

(sec 1) Tuileries Brochures, I & II (1929-30) (sec 11) Bennett, Architectural Design in Concrete

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