19. Specifications And Quantities

  • W Leybourn. The Art of Measuring, containing the Description and Explanation of the Carpenter's New Rule, &c. 3rd ed, London 1681 [first porton only, and omitting the folding plate of the rule].

  • The Student's Guide to the Practice of Measuring and Valuing Artificers' Works. London 1843. A copy formerly owned by the Ballarat architect C D Figgis. The use of days and decimal fractions (well-suited to a ten but not an eight hour working day) may be compared with the system of hours and twelfths introduced by Charles Mayes in Australia. [Link]

  • Kelly's Practical Builder's Price Book, &c. Thomas Kelly, London 1852. [Link]

  • T L Donaldson. Handbook of Specifications. London, no date [c1860]. Also another copy, in two volumes. Based upon the standard work of Alfred Bartholomew.

  • A Nesbit. A Treatise on Practical Mensuration. London 1869. [Link]

  • John Blenkarn. Practical Specifications of Works. London 1865. [Link]

  • Frederick Rogers. Specifications for Practical Architecture. London 1873; also 2nd ed, London 1886. Based upon Bartholomew. [Link 1] [Link 2]

  • F R Farrow. Specifications for Building Works and how to Write Them. London 1898. [Link]

  • John Leaning. Building Specifications. London 1901.

  • J T Rea. How to Estimate: being the Analysis of Building Prices &c. London 1901. [Link]

  • F W Macey. Specifications in Detail. 3rd ed, London 1922. This copy inscribed Brian B. Lewis 9.7.27.

  • Banister Fletcher & H P Fletcher. Quantities. London 1923. [Link]

Laxton's Price Book

  • William Laxton. Laxton's Builder's Price Book for 1863. 43rd ed, London 1863. [Link]

  • Laxton's Builder's Price Book forArchitects, Builders, Engineers and Contractors. 87th ed, London 1904. [Link]

Spon's Pocket-Book

  • W Young [ed]. Spons' Architects' and Builders' Pocket-Book. London 1878. [Link]

  • W Young [ed]. Spons' Architects' and Builders' Pocket-Book.3rd ed, Spon, London 1879.

  • W Young [ed]. Spons' Architects' Builders' and Contractors' Pocket-Book of Prices & Memoranda. London 1883.

  • Clyde Young [ed]. Spon's Architects' and Builders' Pocket Price Book. 62nd ed, London 1935. [Link]

See also:

(sec 5) Treatise on Architecture 4. [incl] Estimating and Calculating Quantities I C S Reference Library: 44. Specifications, Quantities &c (sec 6) I C S, Elements of Stone & Brick Masonry (including Specifications & Agreements) (sec 27) Yorke, Specification 1950 (sec 31) Mayes, Australian Builders' Price Book, 1862 (sec 34) N.S.W. Railway Bridges, Report (sec 39) Jeffries, Australian Building Estimator Mayes, Australian Builders & Contractors Price Book, 1908, 1914, 1927 Mayes, Australian Architects, Builders, &c. Price Book, 1951

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