08. Bricks

  • (p) Observations on Brick Bond. London, 1805.

  • Edward Dobson. The Art of Making Bricks and Tiles. London 1850. Bound with:

  • Edward Dobson. Art of Building. 2nd ed, London 1854.

  • Edward Dobson, &c. The Practical Brick and Tile Book. London, various dates. Includes Dobson, Bricks and Tiles, 8th ed, 1866; Adam Hammond, Practical Bricklaying, 6th ed, 1887; F Walker, Bricklaying, Cutting, and Setting, 2nd ed, 1885.

  • Edward Dobson & A B Searle. A Rudimentary Treatise on the Manufacture of Bricks and Tiles. 12th ed, London 1911.

  • Edward Dobson & A B Searle. A Rudimentary Treatise on the Manufacture of Bricks and Tiles. 13th ed, London 1921.

  • (p) Henry Clayton, A.D. 1858, 9th August. No. 1810. Specification of Henry Clayton. Machinery for the Manufacture of Bricks and Tiles. Great Seal Patent Office, London 1859.

  • C T Davis. A Practical Treatise on the Manufacture of Bricks, Tiles, Terra Cotta, etc. Philadelphia & London 1884.

  • (p) Henry Ward. Brickmaking. With an Abstract of the Discussion upon this Paper, edited by James Forrest. [offprint from the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers] London 1886. [Link]

  • Pierre Chabat. La Brique et la Terre Cuite. Paris 1886.

  • Emil Bourry [translated A B Searle]. A Treatise on Ceramic Industries. 3rd ed, London 1919 [1901].

  • A B Searle. Modern Brickmaking. London 1911.

  • A B Searle. Modern Brickmaking. 2nd ed, London 1920 [1911]. Nathaniel Lloyd's copy, with his bookplate.

  • A B Searle. The Clayworkers Hand-Book. 4th ed, London 1929.

  • (p) Fiske and Company Inc. Tapestry Brick Fireplaces. Boston 1911. Promotional booklet by Fiske and Company Inc, proprietors and sole manufacturers of 'Tapestry' bricks.

  • W A Radford. Radford's Brick Houses, and How to Build Them. Chicago 1912.

  • W S Lowndes [ed]. Plain & Fancy Brickwork. Scranton [Pennsylvania] 1930. Comprising W S Lowndes, Common Brickwork [1920] & G J Jervis, Face and Ornamental Brickwork [1919].

  • W[illiam] Frost. The Modern Bricklayer. 3 vols, London, no date [1931]. Two sets, one in original wrappers, and with ephemera, as below.

  • (p) [William Frost]. The Modern Bricklayer. Do You Know - ? [leaflet accompanying the book,1931].

  • (p) [William Frost]. The Modern Bricklayer. Information Bureau [brochure accompanying the book, and containing twelve coupons, each entitling the user to have one query answered by the information bureau,1931].

  • William Frost. The Modern Bricklayer. 2nd ed, 3 vols, London 1947.

  • Nathaniel Lloyd. A History of English Brickwork. London 1934.

  • H C Plummer & L J Reardon, Principles of Brick Engineering. Structural Clay Products Institute, Washington 1943.


    • (p) Frederick Tyerman, Tyerman's Patent Hoop-Iron Bond for Building Purposes [leaflet with re printed reviews and a simulated ms letter of 1855 from Tyerman], no publication details.

Tessellated tiles

    • (p) Llewellynn Jewitt.  ‘On Encaustic Tiles’, Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 2 (1847), pp 261-4 & plate.

    • (p) 'Encaustic tiles'. Extracts of six instalments from the Art-Journal. 1851, pp 145-6; 176-8, 219-222, 239-240, 261-2, plus five full page colour plates of Minton tiles.

    • (p) G Rowe. 'On Encaustic tiles', [?Proceedings of the] Yorkshire Architectural Society, vol xv, part 1, pp 17-26 with plate.

    • W J Furnival. Leadless Decorative Tiles, Faience, and Mosaic, &c. Stone [Staffordshire] 1904. [Link]

    • (p) Manufacture Saigonnaise de Carreaux Mosaïques (MSCM, Saigon, no date [c 1910])

    • (p) CGCB, Compagnie Générale de la Céramique du Bâtiment [catalogue] , (CGCB, no place, 1927)

    • (p) Maubeuge, Produits Céramiques de Maubeuge (PCM, Douzies-Maubeuge [Nord] 1935)


    • Espie [Félix François, Comte de]. Manierè [sic] de Rendre Toutes Sortes d'Édifices Incombustibles, &c. Paris 1776.

    • Roux Frères, Fabricants Brevetés S.G.D.G. Roux Frères, Marseille, no date [c 1885].

    • American Clay-Working Machinery Co. [illustrated catalogue of]. Bucyrus [Ohio], no date [c 1896]. [Link]

    • (p) American Clay-Working Machinery Co. The Greatest of all Combined Machines [broadside]. Bucyrus [Ohio], no date.

    • Leon Lefêvre [trans K H Bird & W M Binns]. Architectural Pottery. London 1900..

    • Émile Muller & Cie. Produits Céramiques pour Constructions et Industries. Céramique d'Art. Catalogue No 2. Construction et Décoration Architecturale. Paris 1904 [Link]

    • Architectural Terra Cotta: Standard Construction [published by the National Terra Cotta Society]. New York 1914.

    • C G Dobson. Roof Tiling. London 1931.

See also:

(sec 1) Tuileries Brochures (sec 5) I C S. Reference Library40. Brickwork I C S. Reference Library73. Roofing (sec 6) I C S. Elements of Stone and Brick Masonry Bennett & Pinion, Roof Slating and Tiling Graham, Audels Masons and Builders Guide (sec 13) Tredgold, Warming and Ventilating, for an early form of heated cavity wall. (sec 14) Doulton, Drainage and Sewerage Appliances (sec 18) Lloyd, Craftsmanship in Brick and Tile (sec 25) Brooks, Designs for Cottage and Villa Architecture, for one of the earliest descriptions of effective brick cavity walling.

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