25. Pattern Books &C: Before 1900

  • John Crunden, Convenient and Ornamental Architecture, consisting of Original Designs &c. Author, London 1767.

  • William Pain. The Builder's Pocket-Treasure; or Palladio delineated and explained. New ed, London 1785. Lacks plate 38. Also 1972 facsimile of the original edition of 1763, identical up to p 69, but without the appendix (pp 70-93) of the 1785 edition. [Link]

  • John Plaw. Sketches for Country Houses, Villas, and Rural Dwellings, &c. J Taylor, London 1800.

  • A G Cook.  The New Builder’s Magazine, and Complete Architectural Library, For Architects, Surveyors, Carpenters, Masons, Bricklayers, &c,  &c. Thomas Kelly, London 1819.

  • P F Robinson. Designs for Ornamental Villas. James Carpenter and Son, London 1827. [Link]

  • T F Hunt. Architettura Campestre. London 1827.

  • (f) T F Hunt. Designs for Parsonage Houses, Alms Houses, etc etc. London 1827.

  • (f) T F Hunt. Exemplars of Tudor Architecture, adapted to Modern Habitations . London 1841. The copy of Charles Laing, Melbourne. [Link]

  • Francis Goodwin. Cottage Architecture; being a Supplement to the First Series of Goodwin's Rural Architecture. London 1835: bound with:

  • Francis Goodwin. Cottage Architecture; being a Supplement to the Second Series of Goodwin's Rural Architecture. London 1835.

  • S H Brooks. Designs for Cottage and Villa Architecture. London no date [engravings dated 1839].

  • S H Brooks. Select Designs for Public Buildings. London 1842. [Link]

  • Charles Parker. Villa Rustica. 2nd ed, London 1848. Two copies. [Link]

  • Richard Brown. Domestic Architecture. London 1852 [c 1843]. Two copies. [Link]

  • C B Allen.  Cottage Building: or Hints for Improving the Dwellings of the Labouring Classes. John Weale, London, 1849-50 [bound in 'Four Treatise on Building', see section 6]. [Link]

  • C B Allen. Cottage Building. 2nd ed, London 1854 [1849-50]. [Link]

  • John Bullock. The American Cottage Builder. New York 1854. This is one of a series published by Stringer & Townsend, and apparently based on Weale's Rudimentary series (including The History and Rudiments of Architecture and Rudiments of the Art of Building). Bullock acknowledges his chapter on Warming and Ventilation as deriving from 'Tomilson' [Tomlinson] and that on Gardening from Glenny. He does not seem to acknowledge the large amount of material derived from Allen's Cottage Building. amounting to most of chapter 2. [Link]

  • C Wickes. A Handy Book of Villa Architecture, &c. London 1859.

  • (f) John White. Rural Architecture. Glasgow 1861.

  • Calvert Vaux . Villas and Cottages. London 1864.

  • (f) C A Dean. Selected Designs for Country Residences &c. London 1867.

  • E L Blackburne [ed]. Suburban and Rural Architecture. Brick, Stone, Concrete and Fireproof. London [1869]. The concrete buildings are of Portland cement, and include one design for a massive block of eighty dwellings for labourers around a courtyard, to be built on Joseph Tall's patent system. The date of 1869 is attributed in Charles B Wood III Inc, Catalogue 85, part III,Cambridge [Massachusetts] 1994, p 61. [Link]

  • (f) Villa & Cottage Architecture. London 1868. This includes, plates LXXIII-LXXV, pp 99-103, 'The Sycamores' at Old Trafford, the source for Henry Hunter's 'Rouseville', Hobart, and Lloyd Tayler's 'Blair Athole', Brighton, Melbourne. [Link]

  • W & G A Audsley. Cottage, Lodge and Villa Architecture. London, no date [c 1870].

  • C J Richardson. The Englishman's House. London, no date [1871]. This copy was owned by one G R Whiting of Sydney. The entrance lodge shown on pp 112ff was the source of the gateway to Paramatta Park, and that in turn was copied at 'Moondah', now 'Manyung', Mornington, Victoria. [Link]

  • John Birch. Examples of Labourers' Cottages, with Plans for Improving the Dwellings of the Poor in Large Towns. London 1871. [Link]

  • John Birch. Country Architecture. Edinburgh 1874.

  • (ef) 'Plates of Churches'. A privately assembled volume of illustrations of churches culled mainly from the London Building News and Architect, c 1871-1879. Includes Butterfield's original design for St Paul's Cathedral, Melbourne.

  • (ef) Hugo Licht. Architektur Deutschlands. 2 vols of loose folio plates, Berlin 1882. This copy was that of the E J Clark (of J J & E J Clark). [Link: Vol 1, Vol 2]

  • (ef) Emil Asmus. How Europe Builds and Resides: a comparative representation of types of town dwelling-houses of the metropolises of Europe. [author] Melbourne 1888 [Asmus was in Melbourne in 1888, but the book was published simultaneously elsewhere, and was apparently in German originally].   

  • (ef) 'Public Buildings'. A privately assembled volume of illustrations of public buildings, culled from the London Architect, Builder, and Building News of 1888-9.

  • D W King [ed]. Homes for Home-Builders. New York 1886. [Link]

  • (f) R A Briggs. Bungalows and Country Residences. London 1891. Subscriber's copy no 85, of H L Hill.

  • (p) William Carter's Estates. No date [ c 1891]. Note the iron house, p 27.

See also:

(sec 5) [Tarbuck], Builder's Practical Director ; (sec 11) Shaw, Sketches for Cottages

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