28. Exhibitions

London. Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations, 1851.

  • Official Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue. 3 vols, London 1851.

  • The Art Journal Illustrated Catalogue. London [1851].

  • Reports by the Juries on the Subjects in the Thirty Classes into which the Exhibition was Divided. London 1852.

  • C W Dilke, Catalogue of a Collection of Works on or having reference to the Exhibition of 1851 in the possession of C. Wentworth Dilke.  Author, London 1855.

Dublin. Exhibition of Art-Industry 1853.

  • The Exhibition of Art-Industry in Dublin. London 1853.

New York Exhibition, 1853-4.

  • B Silliman & C R Goodrich [eds]. The World of Science, Art, and Industry illustrated from examples in the New-York Exhibition 1853-4. Putnam, New York 1854.

Paris. Exposition Universelle 1855

  • J C Taché et al. Canada at the Universal Exhibition of 1855. John Lovell, Toronto 1856.

  • United Kingdom, Parliament, Reports on the Paris Universal Exhibition, 2 vols, HMSO, London 1856.

London. International Exhibition 1862.

  • The International Exhibition of 1862. Illustrated Catalogue of the Industrial Department. British Division - Vol. I. Her Majesty's Commissioners, London 1862.

  • The International Exhibition of 1862. Illustrated Catalogue of the Industrial Department. British Division - Vol. II. Her Majesty's Commissioners, London 1862.

  • The International Exhibition of 1862. Illustrated Catalogue of the Industrial Department. Vol. IV Foreign Division. Her Majesty's Commissioners, London 1862.

  • The Art Journal Illustrated Catalogue. London 1862.

  • Robert Mallet [ed]. The Record of the 1862 International Exhibition. Glasgow 1862.

Paris. Universal Exhibition 1867.

  • Reports of Artisans … Paris Universal Exhibition 1867. Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, London 1867.

  • S C Hall [ed]. Illustrated Catalogue of the Universal Exhibition published with the Art Journal. London & New York [1867-8].

  • W P Blake [ed], Reports of the United States Commissioners to the Paris Universal Exhibition, 1867, 6 vols, Government Printing Office, Washington 1868-70.

Sydney Exhibition, 1870.

  • The Industrial Progress of New South Wales. Sydney 1871. Includes the revised catalogue of the exhibition. This appears to be rare, as Philip Pells has told me [2007] that he can find no other copy, even in the Mitchell Library.

Vienna Exhibition, 1873.

  • (ef) W H Maw & James Dredge, A Record of the Vienna Exhibition of 1873 [atlas]. Engineering, London 1874.

Sydney Exhibition, 1876.

  • (p) Victoria., Parliament. Report of the Victorian Commissioners to the Sydney Exhibition of 1876. Melbourne 1877.

Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition, 1876.

  • Victoria, Australia. Official Catalogue of Exhibits, Essays, &c. Melbourne 1876. Essays include Marcus Clarke, 'The Public Library'.

  • Reports on the Philadelphia International Exhibition of 1876. 2 vols, London 1877.

  • E H Bruce. The Century: Its Fruits and its Festival. J B Lipincott, Philadelphia 1877.

  • (ef) F H Norton. Illustrated Register of the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876, and of the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1878. New York 1879.

Paris. Universal Exhibition 1878.

  • (p) New South Wales 1876-7. Letter from Agent General and enclosures.

  • (p) Victoria 1877. Paris Universal Exhibition. Despatches, Regulations, Correspondence, &c.

  • (p) Victoria 1877. Royal Commission for Paris Exhibition, 1878. First Report.

  • (p) Victoria 1879. Paris Universal Exhibition, 1878. Despatch and enclosures from the Right Honorable the Secretary of State for the Colonies.

  • Reports of the United States Commissioners to the Paris Universal Exhibition, 1878, 5 vols, Government Printing Office, Washington 1880.

See also Norton, sv Philadelphia.

Sydney International Exhibition, 1879 .

  • Official Catalogue of the British Section . London 1879. Presentation copy to John Danks, London, September 1879.

Chicago World's Fair 1893.

  • Extracts from Engineering, 2 January; 20, 27 February; 27 March; 17 April; 1, 21 May; 5, 12, 19, 26 June 1891 relating to the Chjicago World’s Fair of 1893, with illustrations of the site and buildings including the US Government, State of Illinois; Agricultural, Miming, Administration Electricity and Machinery buildings

Lyons Exhibition 1894.

  • [f] Ulysse Pila, Exposition Coloniale Organisée par la Chambre de Commerce à l’Exposition Universelle de Lyon en 1894. Chambre de Commerce de Lyon, Lyon 1895.

Osaka Exhibition 1903.

  • [p] 第五回内國勸業博覧會場内明細図 [Detailed map of the Fifth National Industrial Exhibition]. Richard Neylon advises that the 1903 exhibition was the grandest of a series which began in 1877 as Japan raced to take its place in the modern world. For the first time foreign exhibitors were included (although they weren't allowed to win medals) and other innovations included electric illuminations, so it was open at night. Some buildings were permanent. It ran for five months and drew unprecedented crowds. The planned 1907 Sixth National Exhibition was to be truly international but fizzled and became the Tokyo Industrial Exhibition, and that was all until Expo ’70.

Tokyo Industrial Exhibition 1907.

  • [p] Tokyo National Industrial Exhibition 1907 booklet [publication in Japanese].

Century of Progress, Chicago 1933.

  • (p) J S Kuhne et al. The Florida Tropical Home at the Century of Progress 1933. No publisher or place, 1933

  • Raley, Dorothy [ed], A Century of Progress: Homes and Furnishing. M A Ring Company, Chicago [1935?].

Centennial Exhibition. Adelaide 1936.

  • South Australian Chamber of Manufacturers Incorporated. Official Catalogue

New York World's Fair 1939.

  • Australian National Travel Association. Australia: New York World's Fair 1939. Melbourne 1936.

  • Pilgimage to Tomorrow. New York 1938.

  • Official Guide Book to the New York World's Fair 1939. Exposition Publications, New York 1939.

See also:

(sec 1) Illustrated Exhibitor, 1851 (sec 30) Thomson, Illustrated Handbook of Victoria (Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London 1886 (sec 32) Tasmanian International Exhibition, 1894-5. Tasmanian Timbers.

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