24. Details And Ornament

  • T L Donaldson. A collection of the Most Approved Examples of Doorways, &c. London, 1836.

  • R N Wornum. Analysis of Ornament. 5th. ed, London 1877 [1855]. [Link]

  • F A Paley [revised W M Fawcett]. Gothic Mouldings. 4th ed, London 1877 [revision of 1864]. Also 6th ed, London 1902.

  • (f) J B Waring. Illustrations of Architecture and Ornament. London no date [1868].

  • Paul Lacroix. Les Arts au Moyen Age et a L'Époque de la Renaissance. Paris 1869. Bookplates of W P Firebrace and Frederic Dougan Bird. [Link]

  • (f) Carl v Pulszky & Friedrich Fischbach, Ornamente der Hausindustrie Ungarn’s. Universitäts-Buchdruckerei, Budapest 1878

  • (f) W & G Audsley. Outlines of Ornament in the Leading Styles. London 1881. [Link]

  • J Hæuselmann & R Ringge. Petit Traité d’Ornements Polychromes. Orell Fussli & Cie, Zurich 1883

  • F S Meyer [revised Hugh Stannus]. A Handbook of Ornament. London 1896 [1888].

  • F L Schauermann. Theory and Analysis of Ornament. London 1892.

  • Alexander Speltz [revised R P Spiers]. The Styles of Ornament from Prehistoric Times to the Middle of the XIXth Century. New York 1910 [1904].

  • Richard Glazier. A Manual of Historic Ornament. 5th ed, New York 1933 [1899].

See also:

(sec 16) Bielefeld, Papier Mâché (sec 40) Baker, Australian Flora in Applied Art

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