42. Victoria: Town Planning

  • (p) Victoria. Parliament. Extension of Melbourne Westward. Melbourne 1887.

  • (p) J G Morrell. Town Planning. Report to the Honorable the Minister of Public Works. Melbourne 1915.

  • H E Morton. Report of the City Engineer on his Visit to America and Europe 1920-21. Melbourne 1922. A substantial portion of this report is devoted to town planning and related matters (housing, parks, transit, &c), and the rest to engineering topics.

  • (f) Metropolitan Town Planning Commission, Melbourne. First Report of the Metropolitan Town Planning Commission. Melbourne 1925.

  • Metropolitan Town Planning Commission, Melbourne. Special Report on Removal of Livestock Markets, Abattoirs, &c. Melbourne 1926.

  • Metropolitan Town Planning Commission, Melbourne. Special Report of the Metropolitan Town Planning Commission on the Development of the Area Served by the Darling to Glen Waverley Railway. Melbourne 1927.

  • Metropolitan Town Planning Commission, Melbourne. Plan of General Development: Melbourne. Melbourne 1929. The first attempt at town planning for Melbourne, aborted by the Depression.

  • (p) E J Craigie. A Study in Central Melbourne Land Values. Melbourne 1935.

  • 'Veritas' [L H Luscombe]. Rebuilding the Melbourne of To-morrow. Melbourne 1943.

  • (p) F E Dixon. Planning Melbourne for Posterity. Melbourne 1944.

  • A J & J J McIntyre. Country Towns of Victoria. Melboune UP, Melbourne 1944..

  • Town and Country Planning Association of Victoria. Let's Plan. Melbourne, no date [c1944]. Two copies.

  • Town and Country Planning Association of Victoria. Town Planning or Muddle? No place or date [Melbourne ?c1945].

  • Town and Country Planning Association of Victoria. Annual Report, Year: 1945-1946. Melbourne 1946.

  • Town and Country Planning Association of Victoria. Living in Your Community. Melbourne, no date [1946].

  • Ernest Fooks. X-Ray the City. Melbourne 1946.

  • (p) Victoria, Town and Country Planning Board. Second Annual Report ... 1946-1947. Melbourne 1947. Also 5th [1949-50], 6th [1950-51], 7th [1951-2], 8th [1952-3], 9th -1953-4], 10th [1954-5], 11th [1955-6], 12th [1956-7], 13th [1957-8], 14th [1958-9], 16th [1960-61], 17th [1961-2].

  • Victoria, Town and Country Planning Board. Vehicular Traffic Census. An Appendix to the Annual Report ... 1947-1948. Melbourne 1948.

  • (p) Patrick Abercrombie. A Great City. Melbourne 1948.

  • (ef) Frank Heath & W E Gower. Latrobe Valley Development: Interim Regional Survey and Report. Melbourne 1947.

  • (p) [Frank Heath]. Treatment of Corner Allotments. [Melbourne] 1951. Folder of six small colour plans, from amongst Frank Heath's papers.

  • Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Scheme 1954: Report. Melbourne 1953. The basis of Melbourne's present planning.

  • E F Borrie. Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Scheme 1954. Surveys and Analysis. Melbourne 1953.

  • Slum Reclamation Conference. South Melbourne 1957.

  • Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Interim Development Order 1959. Melbourne 1959.

  • Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Interim Development Order 1961. Melbourne 1961.

  • E F Borrie. Report on a Planning Scheme for the Central Business Area of the City of Melbourne. Melbourne 1964. This copy that of W J Brens, Melbourne city councillor.

  • City of Melbourne (Central Area) Planning Scheme, 1964. Planning Scheme Ordinance. Melbourne [1964].

  • (f) Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. The Future Growth of Melbourne. Melbourne 1967.

  • Housing Industry Association. A Study in Land Usage. Melbourne 1968.

  • R A Gardner, Decentralisation – a Communications Breakdown. Gardner Printing, Hawthorn [Victoria], 1968.

  • R J Pryor. 'The Recent Growth of Melbourne', offprint from Australian Geographical Studies, 6 (1968).

  • Modern Melbourne Planning Committee. Part One, Plan for Melbourne. Melbourne 1969.

  • Victoria, Town and Country Planning Board. Statement of Planning Policy, No 2. Mornington Peninsula 1970. Melbourne 1970.

  • Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works, Technical Advisory Committee. Residential Planning Standards. Melbourne 1971.

  • Committee for Urban Action. Transport in Melbourne: the Inner area Crisis. Committee for Urban Action, Melbourne 1971 Comprises A Transport Policy and Evaluation [1970] and How 'Parking Blight' affects the Inner Areas [1971].

  • A J Hunt [Minister for Local Government]. Planning for the Westernport Region [Minister's statement in the Legislative Council, 16 November 1971]. Melbourne1971 .

  • Australian Institute of Urban Studies. Housing Authorities in Urban Renewal. AIUS, Melbourne 1971.

  • Australian Institute of Urban Studies.Seminar on the Urban Act 1970. AIUS, Melbourne 1972.

  • Carlton Association. Freeway Crisis. Melbourne 1972.

  • Victoria, Housing Commission. Opinion 1, 1972, Carlton. Melbourne 1972.

  • George Tibbits et al. Urban Renewal in Carlton: an Analysis. Melbourne 1972.

  • Victoria, Town and Country Planning Board. Western Port. Melbourne 1972.

  • Report on Proceedings of the Seminar held at Monash University on 26 February, 1972, on the Board of Works Report "Planning Policies for the Melbourne Metropolitan Region". [Melbourne 1972].

  • Houding Commissiomn Victoria. Renewal Procedures Summary. HCV, Melbourne 1973.

  • Houding Commissiomn Victoria. Urban Renewal. HCV, Melbourne no date [1973].

  • Victoria, Town and Country Planning Board. Land Requirements and Recommended Designated Areas. Melbourne 1975.

  • Donald Wolbrink et al [Interplan Pty Ltd]. City of Melbourne Strategy Plan. Melbourne 1974.

  • Victoria. Department of Local Government. Model Cluster Code. Melbourne 1979.

  • J Floyd et al. City of Melbourne Strategy Plan 1985. Melbourne 1985.

  • J A Gobbo et al. Report of the Committee of Inquiry into Town Planning Compensation. Melbourne 1978.

  • G P Hayes. Ministerial Statement by the Hon. G. P. Hayes M.P. (Minister for Planning) in the Legislative Assembly, on 16th May 1978 on Town Planning Compensation. Government Printer, Melbourne 1971.

  • Victoria, Building and Development Approvals Committee. Report on the Building and Development Control System in Victoria. Part II - Planning Controls. Melbourne 1979.

  • City of Melbourne. Central City Local Development Scheme. Melbourne, no date [?1981].

  • City of Melbourne / Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works / Department of Planning. Designs on Melbourne: an Introduction to the Melbourne Central City Local Development Scheme.Melbourne 1981.

  • Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works, Ministry of Housing & Master Builders Association of Victoria. Melbourne Housing Study Interim Report 1981. Melbourne 1981.

  • Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Scheme: Planning Scheme Ordnance. Reprint No 9. Melbourne 1982. Together with loose amendments.

  • Victoria, Department of Planning & Housing. Victorian Code for Residential Development: Subdivision and Single Dwellings. Melbourne 1992.

  • J Floyd et al. Cityof Melbourne Strategy Plan 1985. City of Melbourne. Melbourne 1985.

  • Victoria, Department of Planning & Housing. Victorian Code for Residential Development: Multi-Dwellings. Melbourne 1992. Also November 1993 edition, with ephemera.

  • Victoria, Ministry for Planning and Environment. Residential Development Provisions for Victoria . Melbourne 1988.

  • Victoria [Melbourne City Council & Government of Victoria]. Federation Square. [boxed file of briefing material issued to competition entrants] Melbourne 1996.

See also:

(sec 40) Public Housing and Slums.

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