36. Australia: CSIR Timber Publications

  • I H Boas. The Commercial Timbers of Australia: their Properties and Uses. Melbourne 1947.

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research bulletins, technical papers and pamphlets

* indicates a bound volume of five pamplets, 1928-1932 and six bulletins, 1927-1938

  • * [pamphlet 9] A J Gibson. A Forest Products Laboratory for Australia. Melbourne 1928.

  • * [pamphlet 22 & technical paper 3] W E Cohen & H E Dadswell. The Chemistry of Australian Timbers Part I. - A Study of the Lignin Determination. Melbourne 1931.

  • * [pamphlet 24] J E Cummins. The Preservative Treatment of Fence Posts (with particular reference to Western Australia). Melbourne 1932. And another copy.

  • * [pamphlet 32 & technical paper 4] W E Cohen, A L Baldock & A G Charles. The Chemistry of Australian Timbers Part 2. - The Chemical Composition of the Woods of the Ironbark Group. Melbourne 1932.

  • [bulletin 32] D Coghill. A Survey of the Tanning Materials of Australia. Melbourne 1927.

  • * [bulletin 37] L R Benjamin & J R Somerville. Paper-Pulp and Cellulose from the Eucalypts. Melbourne 1928.

  • [bulletin 67 & technical paper 5] H E Dadswell & Maisie Burnell. Methods for the identification of the Coloured Woods of the Genus Eucalyptus. Melbourne 1932. And two other copies.

  • * [pamphlet 36 & technical paper 6] R F Turnbull. Fibre Boards. Their Uses and Possibilities of their Manufacture in Australia. Melbourne 1932. And another copy.

  • [pamphlet 40 & technical paper 7] C S Elliott. A Guide to the Seasoning of Australian Timbers, Part 1. Melbourne 1933. And ?2nd ed, 1933.

  • [technical paper 11] Ian Langlands. The Holding Power of Special Nails. Melbourne 1939.

  • * [bulletin 78 & technical paper 12] H E Dadswell, Maisie Burnell & A M Eckersley. Methods for the identification of the Light-Coloured Woods of the Genus Eucalyptus. Melbourne 1934. And another copy.

  • * [bulletin 90 & technical paper 16] H E Dadswell & A M Eckersley. Identification of the Principal Commercial Australian Timbers other than Eucalypts. Melbourne 1935.

  • [technical paper 19] Ian Langlands. A Discussion of Special Tests on the Compressive Strength of Green Karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor). Melbourne 1936.

  • [pamphlet 62] W E Cohen. The Chemistry of Australian Timbers Part 5. A Study of the Lignin Determination III. Melbourne 1936.

  • [pamphlet 68] W L Greenhill & A.J. Thomas. A Guide to the Seasoning of Australian Timbers, Part 2. Melbourne 1937. Two copies.

  • [pamphlet 73 & technical paper 23] Ian Langlands. Properties of Australian Timbers . Part 2 - Brown Mallet (Eucalyptis astringens). Melbourne 1937.

  • * [bulletin 114 & technical paper 25] H E Dadswell & A M Eckersley. The Wood Structure of some Australian Rutaceae with Methods for their Identification. Melbourne 1938.

  • * [bulletin 119 & technical paper 27] H E Dadswell & A M Eckersley. The Wood Structure of some Australian Cunoninaceae with Methods for their Identification. Melbourne 1938.

  • [pamphlet 61 & technical paper 28] The Properties of Australian Timbers. Part 3 - Pinus Radiata D. Don (Pinus insignis Doug.) Insignis, Monterey or Remarkable Pine. Melbourne 1938.

  • [technical paper 32] Ian Langlands & A J Thomas. Handbook of Structural Timber Design. Melbourne 1939.

  • [technical paper 32] Ian Langlands & A J Thomas. Handbook of Structural Timber Design. 2nd ed, Melbourne 1941 [1939]. Copy formerly owned by Sir George Julius, whose pioneering work in Western Australia is acknowledged in the foreword.

  • [technical paper 32, supplement] Ian Langlands. Handbook of Structural Timber Design, Supplement No 1, Large Timber Structures. Melbourne 1942. Copy of Sir George Julius.

  • [technical paper 32] Ian Langlands & A J Thomas. Handbook of Structural Timber Design. 3nd ed, Melbourne '1948', actually 1949 [1939].

  • [bulletin 132 and technical paper 34] H E Dadswell & A M Eckersley. The Wood Anatomy of some South Australian Lauraceae with Methods for their Identification. Melbourne 1940.

  • [pamphlet 97 & technical paper 35] W L Greenhill. The Shrinkage of Australian Timbers 2. Shrinkage Data for 170 timbers. Melbourne 1940.

  • [pamplet 112 & technical paper 36] A J Thomas & Ian Langlands. Building-Frames Timbers and Sizes. Melbourne 1941.

  • [pamplet 112] A J Thomas & Ian Langlands [revised K L Cooper]. Building-Frames: Timbers and Sizes. 2nd ed, Melbourne 1952. Two copies.

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Division of Forest Products, trade circulars

** indicates inclusion in a bound volume of thirty-seven trade circulars, 1932-1937

  • [TC1] Sound Practice in Air Seasoning of Boards. Melbourne 1930. ** Second copy, 2nd ed, 1934.

  • [TC2] The Testing of Timber for Moisture Content. Melbourne 1930. ** Second copy, 2nd ed, 1934.

  • [TC3] The Growth and Structure of Wood. 2nd ed, Melbourne 1933 [1931]. Two additional copies: ** 2nd ed, 1933; 4th impression 1948.

  • [TC6] Wood Borers in Australia Part 1. Lyctus or the Powder Post Borer. Melbourne 1931. ** Second copy, 2nd ed, 1934.

  • [TC7] Sample Boards. Their Use in Timber Seasoning. Melbourne 1932. Two copies, and one copy only of loose folding 'Chart for Determining Moisture Content'

  • ** [TC7] Sample Boards. Their Use in Timber Seasoning. 2nd ed, Melbourne 1935.

  • [TC9] Electrical Moisture Meters: for Measuring the Moisture Content of Timber. Melbourne 1932. ** Second copy, 2nd ed, 1935.

  • [TC10] The Principles of Wooden Box Construction. Melbourne 1932. ** Second copy.

  • [TC11] Wood Borers in Australia Part 2. Anobium, or the Furniture Borer. Melbourne 1932. ** Second copy.

  • [TC12] Combined Air and Kiln Seasoning. Handling by Means of the Christensen Truck. Melbourne 1932. (p) Two other copies, one**.

  • [TC13] Cross, Diagonal, and Spiral Grain in Timber. Melbourne 1933. ** Second copy.

  • [TC14] Gluing Practice Part 1. The Preparation and Use of Animal Glues. Melbourne 1933. ** Second copy.

  • [TC15] Draft Terms and Definitions Used in Timber Grading Rules. Melbourne 1933. ** Second copy.

  • [TC16] Terms Used in Hardwood Timber Seasoning Part 1. Melbourne 1933. ** Second copy.

  • [TC17] Types of Timber Seasoning Kiln. Melbourne 1933. ** Second copy.

  • ** [TC18] The Prevention of Decay in Building Foundations. Melbourne 1933

  • Second copy, 2nd impression 1933.

  • [TC19] Gluing Practice Part 2. Casein Glues. Melbourne 1934. ** Second copy.

  • ** [TC20] Collapse and the Reconditioning of Collapsed Timber. Melbourne 1934.

  • Second copy, 2nd ed revised 1942, 2nd impression 1947.

  • [TC21] Drying Rooms for Furniture Stock. Melbourne 1934. ** Second copy.

  • [TC22] Timber Bending. Melbourne 1934. ** Second copy.

  • [TC23] The Shrinkage of Wood During Drying. Melbourne 1934. ** Second copy.

  • [TC24] The "Working" of Wood. Melbourne 1934. ** Second copy.

  • ** [TC25] Wood Borers in Australia Part 3. Pin-Hole Borers. Melbourne 1934.

  • Second copy, 2nd ed 1939.

  • [TC26] Some Terms used in the Mechanical Testing of Timber. Melbourne 1934. ** Second copy.

  • [TC27] The Preservation of Timber. Melbourne 1935. ** Second copy.

  • [TC28] The Chemistry of Wood. Melbourne 1935. ** Second copy.

  • [TC29] Gluing Practice Part 3, Vegetable, Vegetable-Protein, Liquid, and Blood-Albumen Glues. Melbourne 1936. ** Second copy.

  • [TC30] The Chemical Utilization of Wood. Melbourne 1936. ** Second copy.

  • [TC31] Gluing Practice Part 4. Artificial Resin Glues. Melbourne 1936. ** Second copy.

  • [TC32] Causes and Detection of Brittleness in Wood. Melbourne 1936. ** Second copy.

  • [TC33] Deterioration of Timber caused by Fungi. Part 1: Decay. Melbourne 1936. ** Second copy.

  • [TC34] Sawing Methods. 1 - Quarter Sawing. Melbourne 1936. ** Second copy.

  • [TC35] Faults in Wooden Floors. Melbourne 1936. ** Second copy.

  • ** [TC36] Termites (White Ants). Melbourne 1936.

  • Second copy, 2nd ed 1942, 2nd impression 1944.

  • [TC37] Kiln Instruments. Melbourne 1936. ** Second copy.

  • ** [TC38] Deterioration of Timber caused by Fungi. Part 2: Staining Fungi. Melbourne 1936.

  • Second copy, 2nd impression 1946.

  • [TC39] The Selection of Timber. Part 1: Grading of Timber. Melbourne 1937. ** Second copy.

  • [TC40] Testing a Timber-Seasoning Kiln. Melbourne 1937. ** Second copy.

  • [TC41] The Selection of Timber: Part 2: Structural Timber. Melbourne 1938.

  • [TC42] The Selection of Timber: Part 3: Plywood - its Use and Grading. Melbourne 1938.

  • [TC43] Figure in Timber. Melbourne 1939. Two more copies, 1960.

  • [TC44] Termite (White Ant) Proof Construction for Brick Buildings in Adelaide, South Australia. Melbourne 1939. Second copy, 2nd impression 1943.

  • [TC45] The Testing of Timber for Moisture Content. Melbourne 1939, 2nd impression 1945 [superseding TCs 2 & 9].

  • [TC48] Sloping Grain in Timber. Melbourne 1952 [superseding TC 15].

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