23. Architectural History And Exemplars: Gothic

  • James Dallaway .Observations on English Architecture, Military, Ecclesiastical and Civil, &c. London 1806.

  • John Britton. The Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain, &c. 5 vols, London 1807-1826. The work was originally published in parts from 1805, the first volume being completed in 1807, and it was complete in four volumes in 1814. The fifth volume was a new series, conceived under the separate title of Cathedral Antiquities,but was ultimately treated as part of the original work.

  • (ef) John Buckler. Etchings of Cathedral and Abbey Churches. No details, apparently privately produced, 1802. This appears to be unique, as he had so far published only single plates from 1797 to 1802 (11 in the British Library), and it is perhaps Buckler's own complilation, intended for publication.

  • J Taylor [ed]. Essays on Gothic Architecture by the Rev. T. Warton, Rev. J. Bentham, Captain Grose, and the Rev. J. Milner. London 1808 [1800, 1802].

  • William Whewell. Architectural Notes on German Churches. New edition, Cambridge 1835: bound with:

  • Robert Willis. Remarks on the Architecture of the Middle Ages, especially of Italy. Cambridge 1835.

  • M H Bloxam. The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture. 4th ed, Oxford 1841.

  • Charles Anderson. Ancient Models; or Hints on Church-Building. London 1841.

  • (f) William Butterfield. Elevations, Sections, and Details of Saint John Baptist Church, at Shottesbroke, Berkshire. Oxford 1844.

  • Edmund Sharpe. A Treatise on the Rise and Progress of Decorated Window Tracery in England. 2 vols, London 1849.

  • Raphael Brandon & J A Brandon. The Open Timber Roofs of the Middle Ages. London 1853.

  • Edmund Sharpe. The Seven Periods of English Architecture Defined and Illustrated. London 1851.

  • Thomas Rickman. An Attempt to Discriminate the Styles of Architecture in England, from the Conquest to the Reformation. 5th ed, London 1858.

  • G E Street. Brick and Marble in the Middle Ages. London 1855.

  • G E Street. Gothic Architecture in Spain. 2nd ed, London 1869.

  • Architectural Association of London [to the memory of Edmund Sharpe]. A Visit to the Domed Churches of Charente, France. London, no date [c 1875].

  • T H Turner. Some Account of Domestic Architecture in England from the Conquest to the end of the Thirteenth Century. 2nd ed. Oxford & London 1877.

  • T H Turner. Some Account of Domestic Architecture in England from Edward I to Richard II. Oxford 1853.

  • T H Turner. Some Account of Domestic Architecture in England from Richard II to Henry VIII. 2 vols, Oxford 1859.

  • J H Parker. An Introduction to the Study of Gothic Architecture. 6th ed, London 1881 [1849].

  • (f) R N Shaw. Architectural Sketches from the Continent. London 1872 [1858].

  • (f) W E Nesfield. Specimens of Mediaeval Architecture. London 1862.

  • (f) E B Lamb. Studies of Ancient Domestic Architecture. London 1866.

  • F B Bond & D B Camm. Roodscreensand Roodlofts. 2 vols, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, London 1909.

  • H A Tipping. English Homes Period I - Vol. I Norman & Plantagenet 1066-1485. London 1921.

  • H A Tipping. English Homes Period II - Early Tudor 1485 - 1558. London 1921.

  • T F Bumpus. The Cathedrals of Central Italy. London, no date.

  • T F Bumpus. The Cathedrals of Rome and Southern Italy. London, no date.

  • T F Bumpus. The Cathedrals of Southern France. London, no date.

  • T F Bumpus. The Cathedrals of England and Wales. London, no date.

  • (f) Charles Nicholson & Charles Spooner. Recent English Ecclesiastical Architecture. London, no date.

  • M R James. Abbeys. London 1926.

  • Kenneth Clark. The Gothic Revival. 1st ed, London 1928.

The Pugins

  • Augustus Pugin et al ['Pugin & Le Keux'], Specimens of the Architecture of Normandy from the XIth to the XVth Century, measured and drawn by Augustus Pugin, engraved by John and Henry Le Keux, with historical and descriptive notes by John Britton. London 1874 [1828].

  • A W Pugin. Details of Antient Timber Houses of the 15th and 16th Centuries, &c. London 1836. bound with:

  • A W N Pugin. Got hic Furniture of of the 15th Century. London 1835.

  • A W N Pugin. A Series of Ornamental Timber Gables from existing examples in England and France of the Sixrteenth Century. 2nd ed, Henry G Bohn, London 1839.

  • A Pugin & A W Pugin. Examples of Gothic Architecture. 3 vols, London 1850. Also another copy of vol III, London 1885.

  • A W Pugin. The True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture. London 1841.

  • A W Pugin. The True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture. London 1853.

  • A W Pugin. The Present State of Ecclesiastical Architecture in England. Charles Dolman, London 1843.

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