04. Dictionaries And Encyclopædias: Building And Architecture

  • Richard Neve. The City and Countrey Purchaser, and Builder's Dictionary: or, Compleat Builders Guide. 2nd ed, London 1726 [1707]. The first English language dictionary of architecture and building.

  • The Builder's Dictionary: or Gentleman and Architect's Companion. 2 vols, Bettesworth, Hitch & Austen, London 1734 [facsimile, Association for Preservation Technology, Washington 1981].

  • Denis François Gastelier de la Tour, Dictionnaire Etymologique des Termes d’Architecture, &c.  La Veuve Pissot et al, Paris 1753.

  • Recueil de Planches, sur les Sciences, les Arts Libéraux, et les Arts Méchaniques. Briason, David, Le Breton, Durand, Paris 1762. These are plates from the famous Encyclopédie of Diderot and d’Alembert.

  • J R Delaistre, Encyclopédie de l’Ingéunier, ou Dictionnaire des Ponts et Chaussées. J G Dentu, Paris 1812 [bound with Scanzin, Construction].

  • Peter Nicholson, An Architectural Dictionary. 2 vols in 3. author, London 1819.

  • L-T Pernot, Dictionnaire du Constructeur, &c. Paris 1829.

  • J C Loudon. An Encyclopaedia of Gardening. New ed, London 1834 [1822].

  • J C Loudon. Encyclopaedia of Cottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture. London 1846 (1833).

  • Robert Stuart. A Dictionary of Architecture. 3 vols, London nd [1832]. 1832 is the date assigned by Wyatt Papworth, Dictionary of Architecture, sv Portable Building.

  • J H Parker. A Glossary of Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture. 4th ed, 2 vols, Oxford 1845 (1836).

  • J H Parker. A Glossary of Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture. 5th ed, 2 vols bound as 3. Oxford 1850.

  • J H Parker. A Companion to the Fourth Edition of the Glossary of Terms, &c. Oxford 1846. This is principally an illustrated chronological table incorporating much material from Britton's Dictionary of Architecture and Archæology of the Middle Ages, which had been bought by Parker.

  • John Britton, A Dictionary of the Architecture and Archaeology of the Middle Ages … also, Biographical Notices of Ancient Architects. Longman, Orme &c, London 1838.

  • Peter Nicholson [eds Edward Lomax & Thomas Gunyon] . Encyclopedia of Architecture, being a new and improved edition of Nicholson's Dictionary, &c. 2 vols, London 1852 [1819].

  • S C Brees. The Illustrated Glossary of Practical Architecture and Civil Engineering, &c. London 1853. Samuel Brees is of interest because he worked as an engineer, architect and illustrator in Australia and New Zealand.

  • Wyatt Papworth [ed]. The Dictionary of Architecture. 6 vols, London 1853-1892. The Dictionary was published in parts by the Architectural Publication Society, founded for the purpose in 1848. This set incorporates the 'detached essays' originally issued in the period 1848-52, two of which are missing from other sets, such as that in the British Architectural Library, but it lacks two plates (65 and 147) and does not have the contents indexes for each volume which were produced just after 1892. Ref Hugh Pagan, Architecture Catalogue No. 23 (London 1995), pp 4-5.

  • E-E Viollet-le-Duc. Dictionnaire Raisonné de l'Architecture Française du XIe au XVIe Siècle. 10 vols, Paris 1854-68.

  • Joseph Gwilt. An Encyclopædia of Architecture: Historical, Theoretical and Practical. 4th ed, London 1859 [1842].

  • Joseph Gwilt. Supplement to the Encyclopaedia of Architecture, London 1851.

  • Joseph Gwilt [revised Wyatt Papworth]. An Encyclopædia of Architecture: Historicall, Theoretical and Practical. London 1881 [1842]. Also another edition, 1899.

  • John Weale. Rudimentary Dictionary of Terms Used in Architecture, &c. London 1860.

  • Pierre Chabat. Dictionnaire des Termes Employés dans la Construction. Paris 1875, and Complément, Paris 1878. Chabat was a practising architect, designing such interesting iron framed buildings as the Quai de la Rapée, Paris, 1889: see F H Steiner, French Iron Architecture (Ann Arbor [Michigan] 1984), pl 68.

  • Russell Sturgis. A Dictionary of Architecture and Building. 3 vols, New York 1901.

  • A H Passmore. Handbook of Technical Terms used in Architecture and Building and their allied trades and subjects. London 1904.

  • H H Siegele. Building Trades Dictionary. Chicago 1946.

  • S G B Stubbs. The Building Encyclopedia. 4th ed, 4 vols, London, no date.

  • William Kinniburgh, Dictionary of Building Materials. London 1966.

See also:

(sec 5) Butter, Glossary of Terms Applying to Builders' Hardware

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