03. Dictionaries And Encyclopædias: Technical

  • Guélard, Description Abregée des Principaux Arts et Metiers, &c. Guélard, Paris c 1750.

  • [f] Recueil de Planches, sur les Sciences, les Arts Libéraux, et les Arts Méchaniques, Briasson, David, Le Breton, Durand, Paris 1762. These are plates from the famous Encyclopédie of Diderot and d’Alembert.

  • George Crabb. Universal Technological Dictionary. 2 vols, London 1823.

  • Alexander Jamieson. A Dictionary of Mechanical Science, Arts Manufactures, and Miscellaneous Knowledge 6th ed, 2 vols, Henry Fisher, London 1829.

  • J C Loudon. An Encyclopædia of Agriculture. London 1826. This copy imprinted on the title page by Carey and Lea, Philadelphia (in addition to the name of the publisher, Longman, Hunt, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green)

  • Andrew Ure. Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. London 1839. bound as two volumes.

  • Edward Cresy. An Encyclopaedia of Civil Engineering. London 1847.

  • George Dodd [ed]. Knight's Cyclopaedia of the Industry of all Nations. London 1851.

  • Charles Tomlinson [ed]. Cyclopaedia of Useful Arts and Manufactures. A complete set in 2 vols, 1853 [7 vols, London nd c 1851], with the Introductory Essay on the Great Exhibition (formerly divided up in divisions II, IV and V of the seven volume edition) brought together at the front.

  • Charles Tomlinson. Illustrations of Useful Arts and Manufactures. London nd.

  • John Ogilvie. Imperial Dictionary, English, Technological and Scientific. 2 vols, London 1867.

  • Technical Educator. 4 vols, London &c; nd, c 1870 [vol IV, p 12, refers to the Workmen's International Exhibition of 1870]. One set 3 vols of 4, and one set 4 vols, bound as 2.

  • Alexander Tolhausen [ed, rev Louis Tolhausen]. Technological Dictionary in the English, German & French Languages. Part II, English-German- French, Leipzig 1874; ibid. Technologisches Worterbuch, &c.; Deutsch- Englisch-Französisch, Leipzig 1878; ibid. Dictionnaire Technologique, &c.; Français-Allemand-Anglais, 2nd ed, Leipzig 1877.

  • E H Knight, The Practical Dictionary of Mechanics, 3 vols., Cassell, Petter, Galpin, London 1877-84.

  • E O Lami, Dictionnaire Encyclopédique et Biographique de l'Indusrie et des Arts Industriels. 9 vols, Paris 1881-91.

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